the story of tradition

When I was growing up, our family's holiday traditions looked quite different from those of my friends. Our December revolved around lighting a menorah, eating latkes, & spinning dreidels. My friends used to express how jealous they were of me. "You get to open presents for 8 days?!!" they would enviously proclaim. But little did they know, I spent my childhood jealous of THEM and their special traditions instead. Especially their Christmas trees trimmed with sparkles, twinkles, and radiance. I'd visit a friend's house and simply stare in awe and wonderment at their tree, standing tall and proud in their family room. I was mesmerized by this symbol of family, faith, and love on prominent display in their home. I'd walk around and inspect each special bauble hung with care on it's branches. Each one unique. Each with a story or special meaning. I'd spend time asking where each one came from and what made it so special.
Fast forward 20 years where I've married into a blended family who is now crafting our own special holiday traditions. It came as no surprise to my husband that during our very first holiday season together, I insisted that we go out and purchase a tree with all the trimmings. During that same year, our "Annual Ornament Hunt" was born. As a family we take time to reflect on the year that's unfolded and we choose an ornament for our tree that represents the path we've traveled together. A way to package up our year's history into one beautiful, tiny hanging symbol.
2004: The brick building with the glowing light in the window from the year we bought our first home together.
2006: The letter 'Y' studded with diamonds from the year we were married.
2009: The little white angel from the year we needed to embrace the memory of our Bella, our first daughter, stillborn at 20 weeks pregnant.
2010: The pink newborn bundle from the year we welcomed our now 15 month daughter Brielle and celebrated her entering this world healthy, happy, and inquisitive.
Our tree is the timeline of our life and our family. Our beginnings. Our celebrations. Our challenges. Our suffering. Our moments. Our joy. To us, that tree is an annual symbol of peace, beauty, reflection and renewal. It's our story documented and on display as we conclude another year together.
Do your holiday traditions have a story to tell? What special ways do you make holiday magic with your family?
Image and words courtesy of Guest Blogger Beryl Ayn Young. For more information about her transformative and healing work, visit the Illuminate blog.
Reader Comments (11)
here is last week party:
The only problem these days - our tree is no longer big enough for all of the ornaments!
Every time we travel together my husband and I get an ornament or something that can be converted into an ornament for our tree. Every year when we unwrap the ornaments we get a kick out of strolling down far-flung memory lanes.
I miss those donuts...
Another tradition that we have is the girls in my extended family decorate most of the house while all the men and boys go out and pick out the perfect trees together.
thanks for sharing this informatin.There is something so wonderful about having that annual reminder of our history as we unwrap the ornaments.Every time we travel together my husband and I get an ornament or something that can be converted into an ornament for our tree. Every year when we unwrap the ornaments we get a kick out of strolling down far-flung memory lanes.I’ve long understand any web logs anymore due to the fact too a lot of weblogs were either boring or not present. Or at worst, both. Right here it can be unique, the website is thrilling and informative. Thank god you will discover even now this kind of sites on the net.thanks