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« Camera Girl | Main | one sweet shot - january 2009 »

Tips for Shooting One Photo A Day for 365 Days

Having recently completed Project 366 (creating 366 consecutive photographs each day in 2008) inspired by the flickr group, I've felt a great sense of accomplishment, coupled with a huge sigh of relief. I'm now honeymooning over the fact that there is no pressure to shoot every single day. And yet, I'm still shooting every day.

If you've thought about taking this project on, I highly recommend it. Simply put, it changed my life. It taught me to see. To push myself creatively. And it forced the discipline I needed to bring clarity to my future – ultimately giving me the courage I needed to trade a comfortable career to follow my dream of being an artist full time, focusing on photography and digital media productions.

If you decide to start your own Project 365 (and I hope you do), here are a five tips to guide your journey:

1. Take your camera out with you every day. I purchased a small, inexpensive backback big enough to fit my DSLR and turned it into my purse. Sometimes I would stuff an alternative lens in the bag, but more often than not, it was sort of fun to use the lens I had at the time and to find creative ways to make an image work with the lens I had on hand.

2. Shoot at least one shot in the morning. Let's face it, there are days that zoom so fast it's easy to forget essential day-to-day tasks like reminding one's child to brush his teeth, transfering wet clothes into the dryer, meeting an unreasonable client deadline, shuffling papers on your kitchen counter, etc. If you shoot at least one shot in the morning before your day gets out of hand, you're covered.

3. Set up a method to organize and share your series as you progress. When I initially started, I uploaded and titled each of my daily image selections on flickr (i.e., Day 1, Day 2, et.) and contributed the images to the Project 365 flickr group. Being a part of this group kept me inspired and engaged. It felt great to know that so many other folks around the world were traveling on this journey with me. When I first saw someone's image in the group labelled Day 365, I could visualize completion despite the long road ahead. The group also offers weekly challenges to inspire image ideas.

4. Use this opportunity to get comfortable with your camera. If you typically shoot in Auto mode, you might consider learning one new feature of your camera each month. For example, during month one, you could learn to use Aperture Priority mode and experiment using different aperture settings. Month two, you could try different ISO settings – shooting indoor shots with a higher ISO setting instead of using your flash. You could grow to love that grainy texture in certain situations.

5. Never say "I have nothing to shoot." You are likely to think this around Day 62, but don't say it. There is always something to shoot. Walk outside. Lie down on the floor and look up. Turn over onto your belly and rest your camera on the floor. Look in the mirror. Take the long way home. Tell a stranger you are looking for an image of the day and see what comes to his/her mind. Use this opportunity to seek out and celebrate something unique each day.

If you've done Project 365 or if you're in the process of this project, tell us about your experience and share your tips. And if you are leaning on the edge of this amazing journey, will you leap?

Reader Comments (99)

thank you for your advises and your incourgement, i will start this project!
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkosenrufu mama
I completed my project 365 on Dec 31. My photos are here I ended up missing about 30 days- and honestly, this 'negative' is one of the biggest things I learned in the project. I was able to let go of this idea that I'd failed and kept going. A huge lesson for me. Another perfectionist tendency that I learned to let go of was the desire that every image be fabulous- some days all I could muster was a snap shot, eg unfolded laundry at midnight. Not artsy by any means, but an honest glimpse into our daily lives. My Dec 31st pic is a snapshot which sort of bums me out but I really love the majority of pix I took last year.

It was a remarkable journey- almost a meditative quest, to look for that one small thing I wanted to capture each day. It brought me outside more, and also really nurtured gratitude in my daily life. Once I was able to let go of missing a day due to sickness or whatever, it really enriched my mental health, my attitude. My kids really got into it, pointing out things to photograph or asking what I'd shot that day. What a hopeful way to look at the world- knowing that there is going to be at least one (if not more!) shouting out to be photographed each day.

One reason I took on the project was to learn to use the manual modes. While my dad is a pro-photog I didn't just have him explain it to me, I figured it out myself via trial and error. Funny because I usually do like to understand something intellectually first, but this time hands on learning was best.

I felt sort of aimless the first few days of 2009 without the daily goal of taking a picture. I considered continuing on, but did want a break from the self-imposed pressure of daily shooting. However I'm still carrying my camera everywhere and will surely try it again at some point in the future. I also wanted the opportunity to take up some other challenge. Just at the early bits of thinking about it but I am going to try to get one shot a week of a tree outside of my office.
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternyjlm
I'm at about day 130 of my Project 365. It has been an incredible experience. It is the only thing that has gotten me to shoot daily (after ages of promising myself I would). My recommendation is to take your camera outside during the day and grab at least one shot. Even if you're just walking to the mailbox. Don't wait until 11:30 p.m. and you're indoors about to go to bed--it's much harder to get inspired then!
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterElizabeth
Count me in! Only I really needed to stretch in the area of black and white, it's been too long! Blogged about it today!
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterclaudia
wow - perfect timing as I'm actually doing this project too! I started on Jan 1 and the best thing I've discovered so far is that it takes many shots to get the 'right' picture. Duh.. you may say, but as a non-fotographer it's a revelation to me! Just snapping snapping snapping and getting one good pic out of 6 or 10, it's worth it! I'm loving this : )
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstella
I did the 365 starting in the Fall of 2006. At this point, i would never do it again. I did it with a friend and mainly to teach myself to live in the Moment. Instead by day 7, I was jumping out of bed at 11PM and taking pictures of coffee cups. Being anal, I HAD to have a picture everyday - no excuses. It became a chore and by the last month , I was devestatingly ready, to be done. I found I live a better life when I spend my day, every day, living in the Moment and taking pictures every chance I get. While everywhere I turn, the P365 is all the rage - I am doing the 6 word memoir. The first hour, I did 21. Two days later, I did 33. I am finding a 6 word world everywhere I look. I guess what I am trying to say, I am still thankful I did P365 because it lead me to where I need to be. Best of luck, hope you find your true path...
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzalaine
A 365 is a project that I've thought about doing for the past two or three years, but I've never had the courage to jump in. There's a part of me that is declaring the mission a failure before I ever start. Hmmm. Maybe 2009 will be the year after all.
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLeah G
Well I'd love to do a photo a day..but unfortionately my working a night shift schedule doesn't leave me the time.
But I do agree with finding things around you to shoot. Look around your home. Take note of light; when and where it comes in your windows. Then shoot. Thats what I did here..and I was happy with the photo's I got =)
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJodyangel
I finished my Project 365 on Jan. 4. I can't believe the change it made: change in my photographic abilities, my eye, my life. Friends don't seem to have a clue as to why this was such a big deal -- heck, it's just picking up a camera and clicking the shutter once a day, right? But posting that shot raises the bar for quality and creativity, and I don't know many people who are content to just muddle along taking so-so shots without trying to improve. I feel as though I really worked at learning my camera and devoting some time every day to it. I'm so happy and proud that I did it. (Still haven't decided if I'm on board for a second go round...although I haven't missed a day since I finished, either!)
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterRachel
Thanks for the wonderful tips. I especially like the one about taking a photo in the morning. All too often last year (my first doing Project 365) I found myself searching for something to photograph late at night. :)

For any of your readers who are interested in taking a photo a day, and then posting them once weekly, I'm hosting a "Picture A Day" meme each Saturday on my blog:

It's a bit like Best Shot Monday, where you can share a link back to your blog so others participating in Project 365 can see your photos. I'd love to see what everyone else is shooting. :)
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKimberly
Thank you for this! I've been playing with the idea of doing a project. I think I've just had the kick I need to get started!
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
I am not yet committing myself to a photo-a-day project "officially," but I am pushing myself towards that! I might have to look into starting a account. For now, I post them on my blog as I get the time.

Here's today's photo that I took on my way home this evening...

Thanks for the tips. I may find myself referring back to them when I need inspiration to keep my "un-official" project going... and also, all the links people left to share their projects! They are amazing and inspiring!
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAlicia
I just finished too -- and agree with all you said. It was the most amazing experience -- and now, as I look back at the year, I see how my photography as grown and changed, and what style consistencies I can see in my "photographic eye". I chose to post my photos to my blog rather than to a flickr group, and am hoping to slurp it through Blurb to make a book with all the entries.

One tip that helped me: don't be afraid of taking photos wherever you might be. I'm really shy, and was always afraid people would be "looking" at me as I look a photo in a store or at work or wherever. I pushed myself to be brave, and got some great "moments of my life" shots because of it!!
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdr lyn
I have been so inspired to start a 365 project just from the amazing women I have found from this very site. I started mine a little late and am only on day three. It has forced me to look more openly at the everyday bliss around me.
January 12, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertoni
I am halfway through my 365 GRATEFUL project... I take a photo a day of something i am grateful for.... all with polaroid.

best experience ever!! (except having my kids, marrying my husband and a few other things!!)

being grateful really really does make u happy!


January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterhailey
I did one last year, that was mostly self portraits.

I'm started another on 1/1/9 and it's a mix of everyday life around me. But, i'm doing it in Black-and-White. I'm already 12 days in!!!

I feature the P365 on my blog as well as over at flicker.
I loved your 365 set and am glad to know about your blog so I can follow your photos again! Your 365 tips are great...

I finished my first photo-a-day set (felt like such a wonderful accomplishment!) and am working on my second! It's been an amazing project for me and I thought I should keep going, learning, thinking, photographing.

My first set is <a href="">here</a> (some are friends/family, so it looks incomplete, but there're 366 in there!) and my current set is <a href="">here</a>...
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterstacey
I have just started this as well and I'm very excited about it. Thanks for the push to get me to actually commit to it. :)
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJulie
I'm doing a 52 week project although so far it's more of a 365 project. I've started a second blog to chronicle the process, ups and downs. I'm hoping to see much differently by the end of '09. It's great to see so many take this on.
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterpatti
I am nearly nine months into my 365 day project and although there were days when the inspiration was sadly lacking, most of the time it has been challenging and fun! The Shutter Sisters website often gives me new ideas when I am stuck, and it helps to have a few photos taken "in advance" so that when I am truly time-poor I don't need to stress out too much about having to find something different to post. My advice to anyone who is contemplating it: just DO it! And if you don't have time to take a daily photograph, make it a 52-week project. You might end up with a lot of dud photographs, but there might just be a masterpiece in there that you can be really proud of!
So pick up that camera and get clicking!
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterindigo2087
I was also inspired by the flickr group 365 and joined in December, I'm on day 37. Starting this project has been a huge motivator for me to shoot more. This project has given me more perspective on my life. I stay home with my two and a half year old son and almost 1 year old daughter, the days kind of mush together for me. A picture everyday helps me slow down and also gives me the chance to reflect and savor those fleeting moments that I otherwise would have forgotten. I've been enjoying the challenge and already feel like I'll have a huge void to fill once it's over.
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterliz
I accidently stumbled upon Shutter Sisters around five months ago. I was captivated and amazed. I'm 17 years old and live in a small town in WV that has yet to offer all areas high speed internet or cell service; as you can imagine there aren't alot of artistic opportunities here. I had been searching for something that I felt confident in...and I found it in photography. For Christmas I recieved a Nikon D40 after reading reviews till the early morning hours. To make a long story short...I have very little photography knowledge and even less DSLR knowledge, but I'm eager to learn. That's why I'm going to start my Project 365 today. It will not only encourage me to learn my camera, and fine tune my eye for photography, but it will also give a much needed test to my will power. Wish me luck!
January 13, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKris
so inspired by this. i've tried before, but this seems to be the perfect time to try again.
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commentermaile
Thanks for the great post, Funny how you say around day 62 you will get stuck, that is right about where I got stuck (maybe a bit sooner actually)We haven't seen the sun for weeks (literally) and it is pretty dreary here so I am really stretching for pics!
Another good tip - rope a friend into doing the project too and then you will motivate each other!!
Keep up the great posts, this is a great spot to get inspiration.
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJen
I just started a photo-a-day project/blog with this sort of thing in mind. My main challenge is not posting a photo of my baby daughter every day, since she takes up most of my time :)
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStephanie
I'm trying to take a picture everyday. So far I've only missed one day. Some days, I take so many photos that I easliy make up for that one day. I'm on day 14 and so far it's been fun. I'm posting my photos on Flickr and will post some of the photos on my blog. You can read more about my project on my blog:
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMelissa
I've been needing something to keep me creative. Thanks for all the good info you give. If I'm ever feeling uninspired I always check your site! I'm doing the challenge and posting my pictures on my blog, everyday (to give me a little more pressure to keep things up and not be boring). You can check it out here:

Thanks again for your daily inspiration!
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBrooke
I'm doing this project too since 14 days. I hope too learn more about taking better photography during this year!
Sorry but the comments are in french!!
Claire from France
January 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterclaire
I'm late on commenting on this post but thought I'd chime in anyway. I tried to to the 365 sp last year. I think I made it about 45 days. I started Project 365 on January 1.
Here is the set on Flickr:

I've also set up a blog where I feel more comfortable "talking" about the photo.

I hope I am more successful (defining success in a multitude of ways) this time around.
January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBebe
i'm doing it! just started today ... thanks for the motivation!!!
January 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTraci
I decided awhile back to start a 365 photo project coinciding with my maternity leave that starts at the end of march. I am off work for a whole year this time (something which I personally am not sure I will handle well), and figure it will allow me the opportunity to push myself and stay on my toes.

I am excited, and we will see how it goes!
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChristy
I love this gorgeous image! And I love these wonderful tips. I will link to this post when I post your interview on my blog! It will be perfect. I'm doing the 365 days project and this is very inspiring! Thank you!
January 19, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterdavina
Wow! Thank you so much for the tips- i'm on day 33 for 2009 and you're the first blogger to have some of these ideas. And your photo is gorgeous!! Good for you for following your heart and going pro.
Thanks again!
February 3, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDenise
I loooove the concept! This is something I'd definitely like to try. There's always an interesting subject waiting to be shot, so there's never an excuse to not point and shoot those cameras. Thanks for sharing this!
April 29, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterGreeting Card Printing
Just do it ! Photograph anything and every thing. Don"t give up,Ihave done it twice now.When Ifinished the last one Istarted I
June 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzonev
Just do it ! I have done it twice now and am now taking APAD for the rest of my life
June 14, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterzonev
Wow, thanks for pushing the fold with your tips and tricks on how to secure an image daily. I like the one especially of you saying, "take one early so you're covered". It's true that sometimes when the day sets in, you get inundated with the busyness of life.

I prefer to side with the share an image a day idea, as opposed to being forced to take one a day. Some days I have more to document, some days, less (or nothing).

Anyhow, here's my post that has garnered a lot of traction in Malaysia for #project365 -

Keep up the good work!
January 29, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAlex
Thank you so much for these tips. I'm working on a 365 for 2010. Nearing the end of this month, I already feel accomplished and have developed a more watchful eye. Taking notice of the little things that we may overlook from day to day is so important. I love photography and I'm even going to college for art education, so I'm hoping that I can commit to this for the full year.
January 31, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJG
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April 12, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSilva24Jean
Today I, started my 3rd Project 365!! I'm so proud of myself for not giving up. And i can't tell you the sense of pride you get when you realise you've completed it! x
I've tried to vary my themes to help get the most out of my projects and make each one different..

My first for 2009, had the theme of "Summing up the Day" .. which gave me a real sense of what i accomplished during the year, and made it easy to remember great days that would otherwise pass me by.

In 2010, I wrote a paragraph which meant something to me, saying about my life, beliefs, friends, family, and inspirational words. Then gave each day a letter from that paragraph. So now i have a secret message spelled out through 2010! :)

This year's theme is "My Life". Each photo must have a meaning behind it, relate to me, my life, my friends & family, sentimental or memory jogging. I want to sum myself up in a year. And i can't wait!!

This year i'm also doing a mini project called "Project Me", where i'll take a photo of myself each Saturday for a year. Resulting in a photo documentation of how I've changed. it also complements my 365 theme :) ..

I spend all my life behind the camera, and i felt it was about time to get a photo or 2 of me!

I recommend Project 365 to everyone! It'll be worth it! Believe me!

Amy xxxx
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