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Entries in pets (5)


my world....

I arrived home from Palm Springs to freezing rain and snow on it's way. Talk about a reality check!! Big sigh...for sure! A few days later, down came the snow.... Thank goodness it's so pretty. I love capturing Ben outside, a little snow on his cute.

As I've been posting my snow photos on IG others have been posting images of lunch on the patio, walks on the beach.....Such a hard to believe some days.

Today, share with us....a little glimpse into your world. We'd love to see.


weekending by W*mina

Today's featured image courtesy of W'Mina. She shoots images like this with her Olympus and spends her weekends kayaking, running, and exploring Austin, spending time with her family and, when no one is looking, sneaking in a nap like her dachshund. You can find her at Flickr  as gottarun  and on Facebook.


Ah, the weekend. And a three day weekend for many of us living stateside. You know what that means; sleeping in, eating a leisurely breakfast, reading the morning paper or your favorite blogs. Okay, I know that might be going a little overboard. You might get a little of that but maybe your weekends look all together different. Whatever the case may be for you, you've gotta eat a little something in the morning, right? Before you either start your busy day, or curl up for a mid-morning snooze, you've got to serve up some breakfast. And that is exactly what our word is for today. Breakfast.

We've got a brand new list of One Word prompts for September. Wheeeee! But since we've got a word a day each day, there's no One Word this month. Because we're crazy like that. In other words, each day, you'll get your word to shoot for, to visually translate in any way you'd like. And since we're cutting out the One Word, we're going to go really simple and begin using #shuttersisters as our forever hashtag. It's simple, easy to remember and it's got a nice ring to it.

So, we will spend our weekends here like we used to, getting back to featuring your weekending shots or your photo essays right along side our daily word prompts. It's like photographic multitasking.  If you've got something to share for our weekending series (a single shot or a photo essay) please send it over. So yes, this is a little change up of the best kind. A little rest and relaxation along side some creative encouragement. What could be better than that? Nothing really, except maybe blueberry pancakes.

Breakfast anyone?


unexpected inspiration

Photo inspired by Sharon Montrose's wonderful Tails series.

"How do you persuade an energetic infant monkey to pause long enough for a photograph? You don't. "I put the camera in front of him, let him do whatever he wanted and tried to capture his natural charm."

Sharon Montrose is one of my favorite photographers. And though I have no intention of becoming an animal photographer, the creativity, the sense of passion and playfulness that she brings to her work inspire me every day.

How about you? Is there a photographer whose style couldn't be more different than yours or than what you aspire to and yet whose work inspires you? War photographers, humanitarian, documentary photographers, fashion photographers, food photographers, sport photographers?

Today share with us.


Daily Practice


Today I was out at the lake with Ben. It was absolutely beautiful. The snow was so pretty....a perfect backdrop. I walked about snapping photos, soaking up the extra warm air. I paused for a few moments, took a deep breath and in that moment I felt a deep-down gratitude. Gratitude for an hour in my day, to just walk and think and BE

So good!

Ben and I walk each and every day...rain or shine, sleet or snow. We head out on the trail. It's a must for both of sleeping, eating, breathing.... We just gotta do it. It's our daily practice, and I'm most grateful for it.

How 'bout you? What do you manage to do, everyday, no matter how crazy life gets? Please share with us today.


sweet puppy love


Oh my word...  look at this little sweetheart!

Is she not ADORABLE?


Meet 6 week old Roxie.... a precious little lab, spaniel cross.

She's not mine....  but honestly, I would take her in a second.... :) Ben loved her too....

In fact, we all turned to mush....right here..... every one of us... kissing her...loving her... holding her..... oooing and awing...... 

There's something about a puppy that makes my heart melt.... How 'bout you? What makes your heart melt? Please share with us, today.