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Entries in stillness (39)


with meaning....

Do you ever question why you are taking pictures? Does it ever feel like you are just going through the motions? This feeling hits and then.....It comes in waves... and then it goes... the ebb and flow of creativity I suppose....

I find it helps to shoot with purpose... the goal... to create a meaningful picture.

I've been doing a lot of vision shooting lately. I have a vision in my head; a picture or a mood I want to create... some days it comes together, others not so much. I may see an image that sparks an idea... or perhaps it's a feeling I want to portray... In my photo up top I was trying to share my mood.....a little uncertain, a little sad.... a little unsure....

Tell us... show us... how do you bring meaning to your photos? What works for you? Share with us today....


moments with the sea

Last week I finally made my way to the beach for the first time this summer with the family.  Of course, the day I chose to go the air was chilly and we had a thick marine layer that didn't clear up until late afternoon.  The kids didn't mind and still spent most of the day in the water while I sat in my sand chair covered with a beach towel and wearing my hoodie jacket for warmth, but I didn't care.  I was just thankful that I was able to sit still for more than 20 minutes at a time and not be home doing endless piles of dishes or laundry. I love the sea and the salty air no matter what the weather is like and being able to sit there, feeling the cool, salty air on my skin was exactly what I needed. 

Today, share your beach shots or summer moments with us. And don't forget to tag your images with our new tag for this month, #ssmoment and check out Haagen Dazs 50 Summer Moments project. Tag your images #hdmoment for a chance to have your image chosen for their book.


The 'Non' Pose

 It seems you can always find someone willing to do something different or silly for a photo.  For awhile, photos of people jumping on hotel beds seemed to be the thing.  So much so, they've devoted a whole website to it (I so know you're going to check it out!).  More recently, planking was the popular thing to do.  It's so popular, here's what Wikipedia has to say about it:

 Planking (or the Lying Down Game) is an activity consisting of lying face down in an unusual or incongruous location. Both hands must touch the sides of the body. Having a photograph taken of the participant and posted on the Internet is an integral part of the game.

I, myself, haven't tried jumping on hotel beds (well, not for a photo to be posted on the internet, anyway. Oh, and it wasn't me.  It was my kids, I swear) nor have I tried planking.  What I have recently photographed is people doing a 'non' pose, which usually consists of people (or person) standing still, arms down at their sides and not smiling.  It can be anywhere from one person or more.  You can even find a Flickr group for the 'non' pose.  I tend to like this one the best because unlike hotel bed jumping or planking, I seriously doubt there's much chance for being injured (though there's always a first time, I suppose!).

When I did the above prom shoot I explained to the kids what I wanted to do but I could tell by the look on their faces that they thought it was a strange request.  However, once I shot the photo and they saw it, they were quite pleased with it.  It's different, and I like it.  Or, as my girlfriend commented when she saw my photo, "Very 'Children of the Corn'-esque, but I like it!".  Hey, works for me. :)

How about you? Have any hotel bed jumping shots, planking pics or photos with uncoventional poses? If so, share away!  We'd love to see them. 


it calls to me


Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush.  ~ Doug Larson

Oh my, we've had the craziest weather for this time of year. May temps in March! It's amazing what a little fresh air and sunshine can do for a person. Seriously so good.

Every day this week the porch swing has called to me.... 'come sit'..... and I do.... Even if it's just for a few moments. As I sit....the sun warms right through me. It's such a beautiful thing. I feel renewed...alive... more hopeful...inspired..... It's as if I'm bubbbling over. It's just so good.

Spring fever has hit!

How 'bout you? Share a little 'spring' with us today.


just a whisper


In the Beyond Layers group we've been sharing whisper images this week. I'm amazed at the beautiful photos one simple word has evoked. 

When I think of whisper I think of light, airy, white.......a gentle breeze.... I think of the quiet voice I often hear in my head.... soft whispers of a new idea.......or a quiet warning...'kim, something is not quite right' Over the years I've learned to listen to the whispers.... It's been a good thing....

How 'bout you? What thoughts and emotions does the word whisper stir for you? I'd love to see a whisper image.... Please share with us today.