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archived posts

Entries in light (85)


b is for blur

Because it's how I remember things. It's how memories unfold in my mind. when I close my eyes and try to remember, this is what I see: lovely, blurry scenes. I've been shooting this way for a while, for three or four years now. Not exclusively, of course, but more and more. I intentionally throw the focus until it feels rights. Until it looks like what I see in my mind. So often, these are the images I revisit, the ones I come back to again and again. These are the photographs that tell the real story. They spin like records on a turntable-- soft, scratchy, inexplicably magic. 

If you've not yet tried it, go ahead. Today, I invite you to intentionally throw your focus. Fiddle with the lens til you find magic. And please, share the blur. Share it with us here today.  


Magic hour. That magic first and last hour of sunlight of the day, that moment the light turns gold, bathes everything and everyone in sweet, liquid gold. The best kind of gold, the only kind I'm really interested in these days. Dangle a gold chain in front of me and I might yawn but mention the words 'golden hour' and I'll sing you a song.

So, go ahead. Show us your gold today. Show us your magic golden hours, your golden light. Or your plain old gold anything. Tag it #sscolormonth, share it here in the comments and in over in our OWP flickr pool.

*the above image was taken with a polaroid sx-70 camera and expired polaroid instant film. 

when the planets align

We were returning home from an afternoon spent with some friends when we remembered the solar eclipse was about to start. We pulled our cars over near the coast to take a look. Far too bright to really see, we struggled with make-shift ideas of how to knock down the glare enough to make out the shape as our sun was slowly being covered by the moon. Three pairs of sun glasses, looking through the tinted glass of our car windows, seeing it via reflection...some methods worked better than others but after a few minutes we all got back into our cars, a little defeated, and headed home.

Back at home we tried a few more of my crazy ideas (why we didn't Google it is beyond me) but we couldn't see it like we'd hoped. The family had pretty much called it an event but I kept walking outside every few minutes to see if anything had changed.

Imagine my delight when in rolled in the most ideal layer of thin coastal fog I had ever seen. Like a sheer curtain, the marine layer filtered the sun just enough to be able to get a perfect and clear glimpse of the eclipse. I screamed for the family and when they all came running outside, they were as tickled as I was.

The next time this will happen here, my kids will be 19 & 25 years old. In other words, I knew we were witnessing something very special. Click, click, click went my camera as my girls, now 8 & 14 danced along the sidewalk, squealing and giggling. I'm not sure if I'd have been able to capture the eclipse at all if it weren't for the perfect timing of that marine layer but it didn't matter; the planets had aligned quite literally and I had the honor of documenting it.

If you captured the eclipse, we'd love to see your perspective. It's Best Shot Monday, so share any image you'd like where the planets aligned and got you all aglow!


blinded by the white

We talk a lot around here about inspiration. And muses. And a million other things that spark our creative spirits. There's no telling what might strike our photo fancys from one minute to the next and what we just might discover. Maybe it's a new lens, maybe a new action or preset. It could be mobile photography or a new app. Maybe it's a Polaroid camera or even film. Whatever it is, it tends to move us forward in our craft. We challenge ourselves, we lean into learning curves, we test and try and experiement. We find sisters who are sharing our love affair of the moment, we take classes, we join communities, we ask questions and we pick up our cameras and shoot.

Currently, I'm focusing on black and white photography and I'm watching others do the same. I'm excited by the collective energy and the challenge of communicating using a monochromatic pallet.  

A recent prompt in class was to try your photographic hand in creating a high key image. Norman Phillips said,  "High key is the term used to describe photographs with white or bright backgrounds and usually with bright lighting situations that render subjects in a light tone similiar to that of the background." Who knew that this kind of photography could be so much fun to try to capture? I'm not saying it's easy. But, like with all other types, styles, ways to photograph our subjects, the more you set your mind to cracking the code, the closer you'll get to cracking it.

I don't usually shoot to achieve such a specific outcome, but in the case of high key however, I am having so much fun with it, I can't help myself! It reminds me of when I got caught up in gathering bokeh. Once you start looking, you can't stop. Nothing better or more fun than finding inspiration through our lens.

Today, won't you join us in hitting the high notes of photos that blind us with the white in the best possible way?

And, don't forget it's Best Shot Monday. Got a great shot from this week? We'd love to see it.


Weekending by Kate Sutterfield

Kate Sutterfield shoots images like this with her Droid smart phone on instagram or Nikon D40 and spends her weekends soaking in the sun or moon on a patio somewhere or running lots of miles with her Lab.

Kate Sutterfield can be found on her blog, on instagram as @kates1 or on twitter as Mrs Sutterfield.

Share  your illuminating weekend images with us.