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Entries in everyday (75)


How Do You Measure A Day?



Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Moments so Dear
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets
In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee
In Inches - In Miles
In Laughter - In Strife

How About Love?

 from RENT (the musical)


I have always loved the intro to this song. I have been humming today as I tried to think of what I might do to measure my day today. It seems that today, the twelfth day, of the twelfth month of the year two thousand and twelve, we are being given many invitations and opportunities to mark the significance of this date in our own personal histories. People are documenting their days at 12.12.12. It's interesting because it is just one day...just one day that will never happen again. And so goes our lives right? A collection of days that will not ever happen again. I started thinking how I could mark the date for myself, what will place on the "date"?One friend has chosen to step into a lifelong commitment with her partner. It's thrilling for them to know that the significance of this day will be historical.

What about the rest of us? What about those of us that will not be touched in such a way that seems important? We will wake up, make tea, drink tea, brush our teeth, shower, put our hair in a braid, a little lip gloss, a cozy t-shirt, a warm sweater, some slacks and off we go... What could be our measure today, how can we create an opportunity to honor ourselves in a way today that is significant, not for any other reason but that TODAY is a date that will not be repeated. I have decided to check in with myself at twelve minutes past the hour, every hour. Yes, it's true, I've set my phone alarm to twelve minutes past the hour for every hour that I anticipate being awake. At that time I will stop, take a photo of myself and ask myself " in this moment, how do I feel, am I to being loving and kind to myself; do I feel anything in my body that feels tense or uncomfortable". I am going to attempt to measure my day in love. How loving can I be to me? This will be a good exercise for me to consider how much time I spend not in the flow of self-love. I will use this day to observe and learn and step into active choice of measuring my own story, my own way.

What about you? How will you measure your day today?

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in gratitude

November was a dark month. Here in New England, it feels like the slippery slope leading down down down into the darkness of short days and long nights. November is the hardest for me. Others might argue that February is hardest here in the north country but I would disagree (having only had one under my belt, ahem!) February for us is a busy time filled with birthdays and a visual expression of pulling oneself up into light with each day growing longer by the minute and the ever elusive Springtime always just around the corner. Yes, February is easier for me to swallow with birthday cakes and ice cream.

November was another story.
And thus, a gratitude project was born.
last year it was what carried me through.
It's a great practice in daily mindfulness.

This past month I found myself thankful for:

  • reclusive artists and the partnership that flows between.
  • radical acts of love
  • laughing children, hide and seek, and cornfield picnics.
  • photography and the inspiration that comes with the first snow of the season.
  • the nights my mom visits me in my dreams, even though it's absolutely heartbreaking.
  • this colorful world.
  • this messy life and the lessons we learn together.
  • sunday drives that lead us to thrifted bliss.
  • this art of juggling, crazy as it makes me.
  • for technology that allows these conversations that float through this very sky connecting maine to london and canada. thankful for these connections, these women, this laughter.
  • strangely, grateful for the broken washing machine... it gave me this day in town with my loves.
  • for sunshine and friendship
  • this boy who made me a momma.
  • this day. this moment. this life.
  • the little things like hanging curtains in our new bedroom yurt.
  • this epic day of gatherings and blended families, thanksgiving feasts. this is the reminder that our past does not define us, it simply brought us to where we are now... which is as amazing. 
  • my love, my partner, and an impromptu date night in portland.
  • this day to finish my work week, this laughter to finish the month, and true smiles that come with real life.

So, while I was silent in blogland I was shooting images every day with my iphone because that little device often acts as a lifeline and keeps me present in the moment of everyday photography. Have you done a gratitude project? If so we'd love to see it! Do you prefer your smartphone or your dslr for everyday shooting?

What have you been grateful for? Please leave your words (and images!) in the comments below.


we love what we love ......


I'm sitting on my friend's sofa in California right now! I'm here on a little inspiration vacation. The thing is, hopping on a plane to Caliornia isn't a typical 'thing' for me to do. I'm such a home body... very content just to 'be' in my quiet world. I was telling my husband before I left how excited I was to see new things, take different photos, get inspired. I went on to say 'I'm always photographing Ben, my walks, pretty cups, old bottles and books...This will be good for me. Right?' I was feeling anxious about leaving home. I think I was trying to reassure myself, that this was a good thing.

I'm here, and YES I have seen all kinds of beauty and inspiration. I'm so grateful. California is just so beautiful. I'm so glad I took the leap to come. 

The other night Myriam made a cup of tea and there it was in front of me, just waiting for me to take a picture. I've taken many photos this week, but this cup is one of my favs. Myriam's home has so many splashes of the things I love; beautiful cups, old bottles.... art, and texture. There's such comfort in the familiar. I love it all! I've been taking many photos of the things I love.

We are who we are. We can change things up, choose different locations.... and that's so good. But it's okay to be true to who we are, recognize what brings us joy...and love what we love....

Today I ask you, what brings you comfort, lights you up and begs you to photograph it? Share with us today.


December is almost here! Can you believe it? We have a new hashtag for the One Word photos, #ssdecember. Feel free to continue using #shuttersisters as well. Thanks so much for sharing your photos with us!



bon appetit!

1. November 13th, 2. 10-11-2010 Rincón / Corner, 3. Bench Monday 80: Baking Up a Storm, 4. Buttermilk cake, 5. 365/226.  Fresh., 6. 365:177

Today's one word photo prompt is "kitchen". Perfect word for this time of year. During the holidays the kitchen becomes the center of activity.  Cooking, gathering, celebrating, eating. Family recipes handed down and shared. Little ones with flour covered fingers waiting to lick the beaters clean. Warmth radiating from the oven. Laughter unfurling as many hands make light work of dirty dishes. The sound of glasses clinking as toasts are being made.  Mom's apron.  Nana's tattered index cards of handwritten recipes in that familiar tin box. Beauty in the prosaic.  The moments that bind us together as family and friends.

I myself will be spending many hours in my kitchen today prepping for tomorrow's Thanksgiving meal. Recipes handed down from generation to generation, will now simmer on my stove top. Familiar smells of my childhood will permeate my kitchen as my little ones will watch me as I once watched my mom when I was their age.  Traditions, food, family, life, love.

Julia Child, one of the masters of the kitchen, may have put it best, "Find something you are passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it."

Today lets combine our passion for photography and Julia's passion for food and share an image of your kitchen here.


(kitchen images above from the Shutter Sisters photo pool on Flickr. *don't forget to tag your images #shuttersisters)



my world....

I arrived home from Palm Springs to freezing rain and snow on it's way. Talk about a reality check!! Big sigh...for sure! A few days later, down came the snow.... Thank goodness it's so pretty. I love capturing Ben outside, a little snow on his cute.

As I've been posting my snow photos on IG others have been posting images of lunch on the patio, walks on the beach.....Such a hard to believe some days.

Today, share with us....a little glimpse into your world. We'd love to see.