"All communication begins with an intention, and your intention determines the quality of your life."
- Danielle LaPorte
Today, think about social media and your place in it. Think about your own avatars and how (and what) we communicate through these visuals. What if there was a project that was created with the hope and respect rooted deeply at its core? What if the intentions were to connect everyone through the lens of their camera and through the social networking sites that define this time of our lives?
A new project is about to be born. The Art of Us. This project strives to connect all of us together in a gallery of avatars. It's aesthetics and people and social media and truth. Because this is how we relate to one another. Every day. This is our world in the twenty-first century. This is what our kids witness while growing up. This is how our parents wrestle with new technology.
This is us.
This is our culture.
So, there should be an importance in this, right? We should be more mindful of what we put out there. This is the art of us! We want you to tell your story and share your art through the image you put out to the world, your avatar.. your profile picture!
Recently, a profile picture exhibition project was brought to my attention. Be Art. A great idea, I thought... afterall, this is our world, this is how we relate, this is how we share bits and pieces of our days, our triumphs, our struggles. Our profile pictures are tiny pieces of art, tiny reflections of self, our voice put out there in square pixel format for all our the world to see. But upon further investigation, to be honest, it wasn't at all what it seemed. Looks can be deceiving! And further conversations were had on the topic.
You can find those conversations here.
I know that art is subjective, but it seemed that the implied party scene of avatars shown with their video were supposed to represent this period in history as the "art" of today. And, well, that's not MY voice (nor the voices of my peers.) So we'd like to offer an alternative for everyone out there. This is the tiny seed that was planted and grew into a project about to be born.
When I realized that I didn't want the Be Art project to represent any tiny bit of who i am as a person who uses social media... it opened a space in my heart for offering an alternative. The alternative is: The Art of Us. You see, there's a reaction that comes from shock value. and then there's a reaction that comes from light and truth. I personally think the world should be focusing on positivity. On how we can lift ourselves up with respect for each other and hold ourselves in the best light possible.
I teach classes on self portraiture. It's a big part of my existence as a photographer, as an artist, as a mother partner daughter sister. i recently wrote a feature article in DP Magazine on self portraits and was pleased by the like minds that reached out. and in the words of DP Magazine's editor, Wes Pitts, he shared the same perspective. “One of our favorite articles in this issue (DP Magazine Oct 2012) is by Meredith Winn... who offers thoughtful ideas for creating more interesting and authentic self-portraits. Though social networks are gratuitously littered with snapshots of people making silly duck faces, we’re refreshingly reminded that self-portraiture can be a truly personal, elevated art form that’s not contrived out of sheer vanity, but rather emerges from honest experience and introspection.”
So, can we start a new revolution? Who's with us?! Can we create art as a form of activism? I think there's so much power in photography. I feel really strongly about harnessing the power of it and using those super powers for good, not evil. Photography and self portraiture need not be defined. But there is a responsibility that comes with wielding a camera (and pointing it at ourselves) there is the hope for depth, there is always a path for human growth and self-awareness that holds true, even in the face of opposition.
We believe in the power of photography.
We believe that nothing is ordinary
that everything can be seen as art.
We believe in the power of positivity.
We believe that cameras are tools of expression.
We believe we can be the change we want to see in the world.
We believe in beauty
(that an authentic representation of self can empower the masses.)
We believe in respect
(that when we share what is genuine we find others of like minds.)
We believe that your masculinity, your femininity, your weakness, your strength
are all worthy of being documented.
We believe we are all complicated, messy, beautiful human versions of self.
We believe this is the art of us.
We believe this is the art of you, too.
Today, share your thoughts. Do you have a passion about this? Or are you wondering what's the point and how can one person change anything anyway? We'd love to hear from you today.