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Entries in camera bags (3)



There's a tube of red lipstick that lives in my film bag. I don't wear lipstick, but my mother did. I keep it as a reminder of motherhood, womanhood, sisterhood. Because we all walk through life carrying our differences and similiarities packed neatly into our bags. The vintage leather camera bags that house film and polaroids. The diaper bags that keep babies happy. The handbag that stores the things that make us who we are.

Passion comes in many colors. 
Red screams bold. Red screams strength. 
Red is a good reminder of those things I tend to forget about myself.

June is colour month here at Shutter Sisters! Today we are seeking red. It's a challenging color to photograph! I dare you to go bold today. Where do you find red? Where do you find passion? Where do you find yourself?

Today, join the shutter sisterhood... and what better way to start then by spinning the color wheel to red! All you’ve got to do is add your photo to the comments and tag it #sscolormonth here, in the OWP pool on Flickr, or on instagram! Remember that by joining in the celebration of colors this June, you are automatically registered for a chance to win an Epiphanie camera bag!


Feeling bold? Are you curious about self portraits? Registration for NOW YOU Workshops opens today!

collections of the heart

When I was a child, I collected rocks.  It didn't matter where they came from.  If I liked a rock I saw, then into my collection it went.  When I became pregnant with my first son I started collecting antique, silver baby spoons.  I scoured antique stores and and eBay looking for just the right spoon to add to my collection all the time.  I think it's a no-brainer then that being a photographer, I'm going to acquire things that have to do with photography from vintage cameras to funky jewelry to cool t-shirts.  What's even better is that those who know me well always seem to find something that, as my girlfriend who gave me the necklace above said, "When I saw it I knew I had to get it for you".  I'm the one who will carry that awesome camera tote and wear the cool camera earrings and have the cute little keychain.  I love what I do and I 'wear' it with pride.  And, like Martha Stewart says, that's a good thing.  

How about you? What collections do you have? Take a picture and share with us.  I know I'm not the only out there!




What's your latest epiphanie? Leave a comment here, and enter to win a free camera bag of your choice. Or read details here to find out how you could win a brand new Canon Mark II or a $2500 gift certficate to Southwest Air.

Have fun and good luck! :)



Chosen by random integer generator: The winner of a new camera bag of their choice is Christina from My Topography!!! Congratulations! Thank you everyone for playing! I had so much fun reading through all these really thoughtful posts. :)