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Entries in fun (40)


How Do You Measure A Day?



Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Moments so Dear
Five Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand
Six Hundred Minutes
How Do You Measure - Measure A Year?
In Daylights - In Sunsets
In Midnights - In Cups Of Coffee
In Inches - In Miles
In Laughter - In Strife

How About Love?

 from RENT (the musical)


I have always loved the intro to this song. I have been humming today as I tried to think of what I might do to measure my day today. It seems that today, the twelfth day, of the twelfth month of the year two thousand and twelve, we are being given many invitations and opportunities to mark the significance of this date in our own personal histories. People are documenting their days at 12.12.12. It's interesting because it is just one day...just one day that will never happen again. And so goes our lives right? A collection of days that will not ever happen again. I started thinking how I could mark the date for myself, what will place on the "date"?One friend has chosen to step into a lifelong commitment with her partner. It's thrilling for them to know that the significance of this day will be historical.

What about the rest of us? What about those of us that will not be touched in such a way that seems important? We will wake up, make tea, drink tea, brush our teeth, shower, put our hair in a braid, a little lip gloss, a cozy t-shirt, a warm sweater, some slacks and off we go... What could be our measure today, how can we create an opportunity to honor ourselves in a way today that is significant, not for any other reason but that TODAY is a date that will not be repeated. I have decided to check in with myself at twelve minutes past the hour, every hour. Yes, it's true, I've set my phone alarm to twelve minutes past the hour for every hour that I anticipate being awake. At that time I will stop, take a photo of myself and ask myself " in this moment, how do I feel, am I to being loving and kind to myself; do I feel anything in my body that feels tense or uncomfortable". I am going to attempt to measure my day in love. How loving can I be to me? This will be a good exercise for me to consider how much time I spend not in the flow of self-love. I will use this day to observe and learn and step into active choice of measuring my own story, my own way.

What about you? How will you measure your day today?

Don't forget to join our mailing list! 



Comfort and Joy

It's that time of year again. You know the one: holiday photo time.  One thing I've learned is that the more relaxed and comfortable I am during a shoot, the people I'm photographing will be the same way.  I give direction but I like to have fun, too and I tell them to do the same.  I use humor during my shoots, always.  If I can make them laugh, that's half the battle, and once that starts, everyone involved is having a good time, myself included.  I love it even more when it shows in my photos, like the one above.  

When the boys and their dad sat down for this photo, I snapped a few 'proper' photos and then told them to have fun and to do whatever they wanted.  Before the boys could do anything, dad reached around and covered their mouths, his expression -and theirs - priceless.  Nothing brings me more joy than knowing that they were comfortable enough to 'let go' and just have a good time.  What a gift, for  both myself and them.  

Today, share with us those photos that bring you joy.  And if you haven't already, please join our mailing list! 



just play

While here at Oasis, we are connecting on so many different levels yet each person takes away their own experiences.  In just the 24 hours that we've been here I've heard: be in the moment, take care of you, laugh, connect, relax, breathe but  most importantly, just play and have fun.  I know, so much easier said then done sometimes.  But here at the gorgeous and fantastically fun Ace Hotel, there are no hard and fast rules.  From hulahoops to tutus to just laughing and having a good time (and of course, having a camera present makes it even that much better!), there is definitely a lot of playtime goin' on and that is always a good thing. 

How about you? Show us how you connect through play.  We'd love to see. 


From the Street by Kriti Bajaj


This collection of images from Kriti Bajaj is the perfect depiction of perspectives seen and captured from the street. Kriti writes of her travels this past summer, "I visited 8 towns/cities in 6 countries. Here are some of my favorite photos from Bruges, Belgium: a town that felt like it was straight out of a Jane Austen novel, but far more colorful!"

Today as you shoot and share, let our prompt be your inspiration as you capture your own perspective "from the street".

Photo essay courtesy of Kriti Bajaj. You can find her at Framed and Focused or on Facebook. 


aim high

These days all photographers seem to let loose and aim high at the sun, letting the light sip into their pictures unapologetically. Let's face it. We all love flares! I wonder who was that first guy though, that broke the rules and showed his pictures with streaks and dots on it, just for the sake of sharing a pure feeling versus a well practiced technique. I'd hug this guy, wouldn't you? 

This made me think about real life too, and the fact that it might be nice to break some of our own self imposed rules once in a while. Even if it is just to see what happens, like in a photo experiement. It could turn out surprisingly beautiful and moving. It is our audacity after all, that brings on innovation and (dare I say...) more beauty to our lives and the world.

So I wonder, what sort of rule, small thought or confinement, you could choose to break today? Be playful. Be bold. Aim high. Whether you are aiming with your camera or just your heart, choose to do something that will bring you a godly feeling.

Then join us with a flare shot today, so we can all share in on your magic.

Remember to tag your images with #shuttersisters so all sisters can find and enjoy!