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Entries in giving (3)


Sending a Message for Giving Tuesday

Over the past week many of us have been through a full gamut of experiences. From travel to family to food to shopping, it's been a packed past few days. We've been grateful, we've been satisfied and we've been gearing up for the momentum of the season as we transition from one holiday to the next. I can think of no better time than right now to focus on moving forward in a spirit of giving, especially on the heels of the many wonderful things we have been getting (nurturing, nourishment, sale prices to name just a few).

Today marks the first annual Giving Tuesday, a campaign to create a national day of giving at the start of the annual holiday season. What a grand way to kick off the next leg of this season! 

When we give, we are quite simply sending the message that we care. To be on the receiving end of that kind of caring, means that the love that is being sent, is being received, felt and appreciated. That's the way giving works. And it's what makes the world a better place. Whether you choose to give money, items, your time, or any combination of these things, today, we encourage you to mindfully send a message of love, caring and compassion.

Today as we celebrate Giving Tuesday, share with us where/what/how you have given this season, what you will give today, and/or how will continue to give during this ongoing season of love. Please be sure to tag your images, posts, updates with the official Giving Tuesday tag #givingtuesday so we can all work together and help to put this national day of giving on the map for it's very first year!


My Mug Shot


I love it when great things come together. Like coffee and cream. Like tea and honey. Like #mymugshot and #shotofcoffee. It seems that both Kristen Doyle (of Dine and Dish) and myself have a thing for capturing images of our morning mugs. I know there's a lot of you who join us in our passion which is why I am sharing this mug shot for my Best Shot Monday today and why I am giddy to share with you what Kristen and I have cooked up this week.

#mymugshot + #shotofcoffee = #shot4shot

This week is World Immunization Week and we thought we'd put our hastags and our shots of coffee to good use in supporting the new United Nations Foundation's campaign Shot@Life. What's it all about? It's about saving the lifes of children. It's about getting vaccines to the children that need them most. It's about compassion. It's about caring. It's about coming together for a greater good.

We encourage you to use your lenses to bring awareness to Shot@Life: a campaign that wants to put an end to the deaths of children that are caused by preventable diseases.  Your job is give kids the shot at life they deserve, all you've got to do is get creative, get social and have fun! For all the details on how you can get involved this week, take a peek on my blog or on Kristen's.

Oh, and we did say fun, didn't we? Take a look at the super-fun prizes we're giving away in exchange for your submissions to #shot4shot. We are so thankful for this stellar group of supporters!

  1. Big Picture Classes is offering away a complimentary spot in my next photo workshop Picture Black & White. And by the way, 10% of your registration fee goes directly to Shot@Life! So even if you don’t win but you register anyway, it’s a win/win. YAY!!
  2. We’ve got a limited edition Shot@Life Messenger bag. It’s adorable and awesome.
  3. Shutter Sisters is offering up a signed copy of Expressive Photography.
  4. Ephiphanie Bags has donated one of their coveted camera bags. Squeee!
  5. An awesome Keurig brewing system! Super-yum.
  6. Paper Coterie has offered a $100 gift card. Love their stuff.

And... Paper Coterie wants to help us thank all of you who choose to participate by givng every single person who shares a #Shot4Shot image this week a lovely photo journal. What better way to feature your own favorite photograph from the week? You help us spread awareness AND you get a gift. It's just so awesome.

Be sure to tag your images and posts that support Shot at Life this week on all your social platforms with #shot4shot and #vaccineswork.

We can't wait to spend this week with you creating all kinds of goodness.

Share with us today your Best Shot for this fine Monday and let's get this party started! 



Have you ever bore witness to something photographically that changed you?

Perhaps capturing the true miracle of a birth.

The struggle of poverty; in your town, in our world.

The enthusiasm of a race.


Being there, fully present with your camera in hand, clicking away, acknowledging, honoring, seeing. Images can make a real shift in your heart and even inspire you to do things you never dreamed of. Perhaps planting a seed to a start a journey you had not even imagined for yourself until that very moment. Photography holds that power to move us in great and mysterious ways.

I know this feeling of change first hand. I live in a small new england town. Winters are cold. On New Years Day there is an event called The Lobster Dip. I had heard this mentioned in conversation, but never truly paid it much mind. I honestly assumed it was a few crazy guys on the beach on new years day that maybe had a little too much new years eve celebration (if you know what i mean) and they decided it would be fun to wander down to the cold Atlantic and take a dip. 'Crazy people', yes that is what I thought... I was so wrong. I woke on New Years Day 2010 wanting to do something different. Not knowing exactly why, I decided I was going to take myself and my camera to the beach to see this so called 'Lobster Dip'. It was snowing and windy. My first clue that this was not at all what I thought was the fact that I could not find a parking space anywhere near the beach. I parked rather far away, now worrying I would not be able to reach the designated spot in time, I began to run (ok jog), camera around my neck, in the sand, against that snowy wind and crowd in front of me. A huge wall of people were there all in winter gear surrounding this really large group of 'dippers' in swimming suits, lobster costumes, capes, and tutus. No wet suits, those were reserved for the fire and rescue guys out in the rough surf on surf boards waiting to pluck anyone out of the icy waves if in distress. I often feel like it is always a 'you had to be there' kind of story, and I guess that may be so. All i know is it changed me that very day. I witnessed this grand group of individuals all gathered together to take one crazy cold dip, all for a wonderful cause. The excitement and enthusiasm was infectious. I could feel my own face smiling so much it hurt. My heart pounded for them as the countdown began. I felt my heart race as they ran in, no fear, smiling faces, into that FREEZING water... All ages, all backgrounds, all for their own reasons. When it was over I returned to the refuge of my warm dry car completely energized by what i just witnessed. What a gift it was, and somehow the feeling felt even more special being new years day. I felt like anything was truly possible! I knew right in that moment I would do the dip next new years day 2011, and I did. It was as amazing as I thought it would be, and yes it was cold but worth every minute. That year I took many photos pre-dip and then handed my camera over to my husband who captured his crazy wife running into the water and returning all smiles. If you had told me 2 years ago that I would be doing this ever, I would have laughed really loud and told you you were crazy.  That me would have been wrong. New Years Day 2012 is fast approaching, with it another opportunity to honor that change in myself and give back to the world around me by dipping once more. Am I nervous? Yes! Will there be lots of pictures? Double yes! {this year I have convinced (twisted an arm or 2) of a certain someone to take the plunge with me... someone you all know... sister power! } I guess my whole reason for writing all of this is to simply say, if I had never gone down to the beach that day to take some pictures I would never have known what I was missing, and in turn I would never had been changed by it.

I encourage you to take your camera and witness something a little crazy, or odd, or inspiring near you in this new year ahead. Perhaps there is something out there just waiting to touch your heart and the heart of others through your vision and your lens.... Dream big!  Be crazy sometimes! Why not right?

Today, share an image or story that inspired you in any way, big or small. It is an infectious spirit those images and stories hold.


If you feel moved to do so, you can make a donation to my 2012 Dip here. All monies raised go to The Special Olympics Organization of Maine. I thank you.