for the love of processing

I love taking pictures….. and I love processing. In fact, I would say it's a LOVE-LOVE scenario.
It's a process for me. I imagine a photo, set up the 'scene', click the pic….then off to my computer to finish the vision. I may do just a few tweaks, or I might take it even further….edit, effect, texture, and even type. This is my way of making art…without using my paints and brushes.
I dove into photography and photoshop at the same time. I took my first few photos, then moved immediately into photoshop. I wanted to apply textures to my images. In fact it was because of the textured images I was admiring online that I picked up my camera in the first place. It seems a little backwards when I think of it now. Eventually I began to learn the other pieces of photoshop and grew to love everything about processing.
A few years later, along came Lightroom! It's been life-changing... at least creatively speaking. I often wonder what I ever did without it. Thanks to Lightroom's catalog feature my images are now organized and easily accessible; something I thought may never happen. I can crop, edit and so much more; quickly and efficiently on several images at once. It's quick, painless and completely non-destructive. Lightroom also works beautifully with photoshop/elements. It really is an incredible program.
Where do YOU fit in all of this? Lightroom, Photoshop, another editing program….or no thank you; editings not for me? Share with us today.
Today we are giving away a space in my new Lightroom class, Round Trip - from Lightroom to Photoshop and back again. The next session begins on January 15th. To enter, simply leave a comment under this post before Thursday at midnight EST for your chance to win a complimentary space in the Round Trip Class. Even better, double your chances by joining our mailing list. The winner will be announced on Friday. Good luck!