I lost my grandma Lucy one week after Mother's Day. It wasn't unexpected and we knew the end was imminent, but that didn't make it any easier. I'm glad that my son's have many memories of her and I don't want them to ever forget her. More importantly, I'm glad that I made a point during the last couple of years to photograph Lucy as much as I could as well as documenting her last few months for our family.
My youngest son and Lucy had a special relationship. He was her 'baby boy'. When she was at her crabbiest he would sing for her and make silly jokes, getting a giggle and smile out of her when no one else could. When she was dying I told him he didn't have to go to the hospital to see her because I knew how difficult it was, but he insisted. I'm doing it for her, he would say, tears in his eyes, she needs me.
I had been trying to come up with ways to somehow use my photos of Lucy as sort of a memorial to her when the opportunity came to get a canvas print from Hello Canvas. I knew immediately what I was going to do. I showed my son all the pictures I had taken of Lucy over the past couple of years and told him to pick his favorite one to be used. When our package arrived only 5 days later, we couldn't wait to open it. I don't know who was more excited about it, me or my son! Once it was opened, we propped the canvas up and stood back and looked at it in awe. It immediately brought tears to my eyes. Mama, my son said excitedly, MeeMaw would be so happy! Not only would Lucy be happy, my son is happy and that is everything. Thank you, Hello Canvas, for your help in keeping the memory of Lucy alive, just as it should be.
What about you? Do you do anything special with your photos to remember those that are no longer with us? Please share with us your ideas or show us in a photo what you have done. We'd love to see your memories of love, too.
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Hello Giveaway! It’s random giveaway time again from our friends at Hello Canvas. YAY!
Leave a comment here between now and Thursday at midnight and you could win a 20X24 canvas of your photo of choice from Hello Canvas! Hello, indeed!
Thank you all so much for the response on this post! Hello Canvas was so touched by this conversation of Love that they are now offering 40% off all orders when you use our promo code HELLOSISTERS! HELLO!
And thank you sisters, for sharing your beautiful, sweet, warm comments with us. You have truly touched me.