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Entries in motion (7)



These shoes were made for walking. Or running, dancing, kicking get the picture. Check out all the fabulous shoes we are seeing today in our Instagram feed. Share yours and see it here today by tagging your shoe shots with our tag #shuttersisters.

Walk on...


Hustle and Bustle

I'm feeling a bit rebellious these days. Not in a Scrooge kind of way as I truly love the holiday season, but giving myself permission to linger in moments of norm like the hustle and bustle of my boy on the basketball court or retracing the curve of a cursive capital "G" for my girl. Maybe it's a way of balancing my emotions and keeping memories at bay, or a way of grounding myself in truths that remain long after I've boxed up the sparkly ornaments, happy family portraits, and faux garland. I feel this urge to remain centered during this "most wonderful time of the year" and to keep my footing on what's true in the midst of so much hype and commotion. The level of intensity doesn't last. I study their moves and anticipate the contrast of pause.

How do you keep your footing?


Mobile May and Our Final Book Giveaway

There's something about these suspended moments of awkwardness that move me. Like when you press the pause button and catch an odd glance of something that seemed so smooth in play. I love this about still photography, and especially about iPhoneography... watching motion and pausing the action to preserve and study a sliver of time. Shot with my iPhone using the Hipstamatic app with Float film and the John S lens. Sharpened using the Photo fx app.

I've enjoyed following your images in the One Word Project flickr group and featuring a few of our mobile favorites in the One Word Project journal so much this month. Congratulations to keribevan and petit gris, week 4 winners of my new book, "The Art of iPhoneography: A Guide to Mobile Creativity." On this last day of May, leave a comment about your thoughts or tips on mobile photography by 11:59pm PT and we'll enter your name in a drawing to win the last book of Mobile May.

Many thanks to our gracious sponsor Pixiq. Pixiq, an imprint of Sterling Publishing, is not only the US & Canada publisher of "The Art of iPhoneography: A Guide to Mobile Creativity" but an awesome online resource for all things photography.

* * *

Congratulations to Marilyn Johnson! Many thanks for your thoughts and for playing along throughout Mobile May.


Emotion in Motion

I love capturing motion shots.  To me, nothing shows emotion better than an act or movement caught in the moment.  The kids at my son's school put on huge dance performance every year and my 'job' is to put together a slideshow for their friends and family of the photos I've taken to show just prior to the kids taking stage.  Seeing the kids in motion, the pure joy on their faces, shows everyone just how much fun they had getting ready for the big night. 

Capturing motion shots of all kinds can show an array of emotions from the element of surpise to pure delight to simple childhood fun.  How about you? Show us your motion shots.  Let us see the emotion you've captured.   


From the Sideline

"So when's your next trip?" they ask. For the first time in a long time, I don't have an answer. Yes, of course, there will be another trip and I'm eager for the next international documentary experience, but right now, I'm taking lots of trips to the ballfield, yelling things like "You can do it!" and "Way to hold 'em!" and "Two down, one to go!" and buying corndogs from concession stands.

In high contrast to the frayed craze of a school year winding down to the halt of summer, I must admit, sitting with my feet propped up on the fence around a baseball field watching my son and his best buddies be mobile for the better part of a Saturday and Sunday, chills me out in the best way. I love the rythm of innings, batters, and bases. The chink of a level swing sending a ball into left field and the dull thump of a fielder making the play. Quick steals and dusty slides. The intense focus of my pitcher on the mound. (The baby I hardly recognize in size L pants.) The rapid-fire sweeps on home plate by a man called "Blue." I soak it in from the sideline, feel my heart beat, and wait for what's to come.

What's moving around you these days? Are you in the mix, or soaking it in from the sidelines?

I shot this image with my Nikon D3s and a 55-200mm lens with aperture set to f/5.6. ISO 250. Applied a sepia tone at .35 intensity in Aperture on my Mac.