weekending by W*mina

Today's featured image courtesy of W'Mina. She shoots images like this with her Olympus and spends her weekends kayaking, running, and exploring Austin, spending time with her family and, when no one is looking, sneaking in a nap like her dachshund. You can find her at Flickr as gottarun and on Facebook.
Ah, the weekend. And a three day weekend for many of us living stateside. You know what that means; sleeping in, eating a leisurely breakfast, reading the morning paper or your favorite blogs. Okay, I know that might be going a little overboard. You might get a little of that but maybe your weekends look all together different. Whatever the case may be for you, you've gotta eat a little something in the morning, right? Before you either start your busy day, or curl up for a mid-morning snooze, you've got to serve up some breakfast. And that is exactly what our word is for today. Breakfast.
We've got a brand new list of One Word prompts for September. Wheeeee! But since we've got a word a day each day, there's no One Word this month. Because we're crazy like that. In other words, each day, you'll get your word to shoot for, to visually translate in any way you'd like. And since we're cutting out the One Word, we're going to go really simple and begin using #shuttersisters as our forever hashtag. It's simple, easy to remember and it's got a nice ring to it.
So, we will spend our weekends here like we used to, getting back to featuring your weekending shots or your photo essays right along side our daily word prompts. It's like photographic multitasking. If you've got something to share for our weekending series (a single shot or a photo essay) please send it over. So yes, this is a little change up of the best kind. A little rest and relaxation along side some creative encouragement. What could be better than that? Nothing really, except maybe blueberry pancakes.
Breakfast anyone?
Reader Comments (5)
Looking forward to this month's prompts!
This was our back to school/college breakfast on Saturday morning. In retrospect, the "everything" bagel comes to have a bigger meaning - the mix of emotions that come with change, growth represented in the choices of savory or creamy, the pleasures and sustenance that bind our family regardless of location. Everything.