Telling Their Story

On November 13th I became a mom for the second time. It was one of the most excruciatingly painful experiences of my life and one of the most beautiful all into one. The first tender moment when I held my baby girl was captured on camera. My son’s birth five years prior was also photographed for posterity. Every major event of his life since has been recorded by the shutter’s eye. And as many of the in between moments as possible too.
More than anything, it is the in between everyday moments that I am most interested in photographing. Because it is my child’s daily day to day life that really tells his story. It is an ongoing visual documentation of whom he was and who he is becoming. I especially love to take pictures of him when he isn’t even looking into the camera, like in the picture above. When he isn’t forced to look at the camera is when he is his most authentic self. A professionally trained photographer would probably see many things technically wrong with that image, but to me it is perfection. He was playing in his room on an ordinary day andI was able to capture his gentle kind spirit.
Now I can’t wait to also take pictures, to document the big events and the small magical kid moments of my daughter’s story, the moments that will shape who she will grow up to be.
Words and picture courtesy of Honorary Sister/Guest Blogger Sandra (aka Pink Orchid Too) at artful life.
Sandra is also kindly offering a print from her Sweet Blue Photography Etsy shop for today’s giveaway. Be sure to pop over and see. Her work is gorgeous. But you probably already know that. Leave your comment here today for a chance to win.
Congratulations to Emily of Five Flowers for winning one of Alex’s lovely images.
Reader Comments (92)
It reminds me of this quote : I think the best pictures are often on the edges of any situation, I don't find photographing the situation nearly as interesting as photographing the edges. ~William Albert Allard, "The Photographic Essay"
I try to keep this in mind...
I don't know how I would decide between all those lovely prints! Gorgeous!
thank you, as ever.
Thanks so much!
And this is a beautiful picture!
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