
A couple weeks ago, in the spirit of the season, we decided to download the movie Fred Claus. Simple enough. Until the eight year old wheels of logic started turning in my son's head, and the interrogation began. "But how does Santa get in here if we don't have a chimney?" "Does he know the code to the alarm?" "How does he fly through the night when it's daytime on the other side of the world?" (That one made my head hurt). But we dutifully lied through our teeth as the questions got to be more and more detailed. "YES! We mailed him the key to the front door, ALRIGHT?!!"
A few days passed, and I guess it had been eating my husband up. Because the next thing I know, he waltzes into the room to casually announce that he has single-handedly informed our children (the youngest is THREE) that Santa Claus is indeed NOT REAL.
Me: "Are you serious?"
Him: "Yep, I was sick of lying to them."
Me: "Well, why don't you just tell them about the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. And while you're at it, tell them how babies are made. For good measure, why don't you just pour them a drink?!"
But the damage had been done. Or so we thought. A few more days passed, when my oldest asks my husband, "If Santa's not real, then who always eats all those cookies after we go to bed?"
My husband could see in his eyes how much he desperately wanted Santa to be real. He said, "You know what...I never thought about that. But you're right...the cookies ARE always gone the next morning. Maybe he really IS real afterall!" All three children tuned in. And by the end of the conversation, Santa was alive and well again. And so was the possibility of magic. It made me realize that sometimes it's not important to have all the answers, because so much joy comes from just having the faith to believe.
What do you believe in this Christmas Eve?
Leave a comment, and one lucky winner will receive $100 to spend at Blurb!
Reader Comments (166)
we had a full-blown santa/toothfairy/easter bunny massacre last year (oh our wicked resident atheist!) and it about killed me.
this year, i'm mourning the loss of all the magic, and wishing i had stood half a chance in that argument.
but still. the days have been merry and even without santa, i still have hope sparkling in my heart.
thanks for making me laugh and cry all at the same time!
And you know, the answer to everything is, "He's Magic! That's how!" And for us, Santa has a magic key that opens any home.
Gosh, I could use that gift certificate to Blurb! I am putting together a wedding album and would love to make copies for the mothers-in-law too!
Happy holidays shutter sisters!
I'd still like to believe..wouldn't you??
lying about Santa, etc.
Sleep well tonight.
afterwards, i promptly began instilling doubt about santa, because i couldn't take that the magic was gone. when she asked about the alarm on the house, i told her that santa knows the code - remember he knows everything and she agreed. the house alarm for whatever reason, sealed the deal and now, santa and all his glory are visiting tonight - this mama can breathe again.
PS I just found you today bounced off Ali's bog....great place...I have you saved in my fav's
Merry Christmas to you and yours,
My son has doubts, but shows many signs of still wanting to believe, so we don't go overboard but we let him believe.
He believes in the tooth fairy without question, however. Kids are funny. :)
what a lovely story for this day!
wishing everyone a happy holiday!!!
Merry Christmas.
Now, $100 at Blurb! That would be magic!
So glad your story had a happy ending. Does your husband know he's on Santa's naughty list now? My nephew is 7 and is really asking questions about the magic of it all this year. Hope your Chsitmas is filled with joy and peace!
The season is all about faith and what we cannot see apparent.
Its all a dare. Christmas is the one day we can feel it.
It's fun to read all these comments today.
i've been wanting to create a Blurb book.
Merry Christmas.