
Pssst! Maybe I was inspired by the game of telephone as a child. The game I could never get right and probably the source of confusion in a message being passed. The person that would never, ever be able to recite what she first heard. I blame it on my ears. I still do. For me, I need to see things in writing. Visible. In front of me. With links and information. Hence why I took to the blogging world so well.
I was first introduced to this world by a friend in November 2006. I thought it was funny...that word, blogging. But little did I know the impact words could make, how many friends I have in this world, now, due to blogging. It’s a pretty powerful thing and backs up the “hand is mightier than the sword” statement effortlessly.
So starting my newest venture, pass it on, was not so hard. I was moved by so many stories on other people’s blogs, especially this one, that I thought maybe it would be easier to put all these things on one screen. Maybe. So I am trying and if you go there and click on one of the many links, you too will feel fortunate, inspired, loved. And maybe moved to donate or contribute, in some special way. After all this is the season of giving. Even though the holidays are nearing to a close, what better way to start the New Year with a vow to help others. To give all year long.
So here it is, in two parts. The first is the giveaway here. A sweet gift certificate from the wonderful people at A $75 gift certificate to be used to rent any little item your heart desires. I first learned about Ziplens through another blog and thought it would be wonderful to pass on the goodness to you along with Janice, the co-owner and “crazy momma.” I can’t say enough about the service and quality of items Ziplens has to offer. Leave your comment here today to be entered in the drawing. And even if you don’t win the big prize, you can still get in on the 15% discount they are offering for the next year to all sisters. Just type in the code: SISTERS and you’re good to go.
The second part is a “pay it forward.” Many of you may of heard of this in the blogging world. Someone sends you a goodie and you have to vow you will do the same for others. So it’s my turn to send out some goodies. But you will need to hike over to pass it on to enter. And you have to “sister promise” you will pass on the love to someone else. Because it’s always better to give than receive.
Words, image and giveaway all courtesy of today's gracious Guest Blogger / Honorary Sister Jen Way (aka Bee Bee Mod).
And last but not least, let us celebrate the winners of the past few giveaways-
Christine is the winner of the Click Necklace from Her Southern Charm
Megan is the winner of the $100 Blurb gift certificate
Sheri is the winner of the Blue Poppy Sisterhood necklace
Reader Comments (42)
Good luck everyone.
a little hope for you all.
I am SO excited about being a winner. Thanks Shutter Sisters for your wonderful giveaways! ;)