Sunday School: Just Shoot It

Back when I used to shoot with a film SLR, I often agonized over shots before I actually took them because a) film wasn't cheap; b) decent processing/printing wasn't cheap; and c) I had no idea if my settings were capturing the shots the way I wanted to or if I was wasting my entire roll of film. I still have deep respect for the film format, but I have to admit that I'm glad to be living in the digital age when it comes to photography.
Since I usually carry around enough memory to shoot as many photos as I could possibly want (and then some), I like to practice what I call Just Shoot It. Basically, that's when I devote a period of time (say, 5 minutes or so) to pressing the shutter without thinking too much about the framing, the subject, exposure, etc. I'll walk around and go *click* *click* *click* *click* in rapid sucession, sometimes without even looking through the viewfinder. There's no pressure to get that perfect shot during these few minutes. There's no worrying about missing a Kodak moment. It's actually quite freeing, especially if you are in the middle of a somewhat stressful shoot like at a wedding.
Some folks may feel like that's just a waste of memory. Others may feel like it's faux-art if you don't put enough thought into it or scrunch your forehead just so while you're shooting the photo. Years ago, I probably would've agreed. Now, however, I know that there is a particular brand of joy derived from finding a gem of a photo in post-processing that you didn't even know you had taken. In fact, I now get excited about going over my Just Shoot It photos because I never know what I'll find.
The photo above is an example of what I'm talking about. It was taken during several minutes of freestyle shooting at my husband's cousin's wedding. I fell in love with it the moment I saw it during post-processing, and I knew that I could've never taken that shot if I had been thinking too much about it.
Do you have a favorite photo that you took without too much thinking or didn't even know you had taken? Please share with us!
P.S. If I could set this post to music, it would be to Click Click Click Click by Bishop Allen.
Reader Comments (33)
Since I just putter in my yard taking photos, and I take gobs of my active little boy, I have gotten in the habit of shooting quickly without thinking about it. I also have tried lowering my camera and pointing up at my subject without looking through the viewfinder, just to see what I might get. When I took this picture of my cat, I did just that, and I was pleased with the results.
I've gotten lots of shots that I love, but this one (once I cropped and added some texture) I especially love because it doesn't feel like I took it.
And this one I like because I just couldn't believe the framing - didn't have to crop it or anything.
what a fantastic photo!
there is so much energy and fun
and so much going on....
everyone you look at is
in some state of animated motion...
i love this idea of the click/click/click!
Here's mine. We were out yesterday taking pictures. I don't know how many pictures I took of Natalya just playing and this ended up in there. My first reaction was to delete it.
There is a little carnival every year down the street I take the kids to. Here I decided to just shoot randomly at the swing ride and caught some kids goofing around on the ride. kt
I was on the train and took these photos from the window.
I think often the best shots are the ones we didn't plan on :)
Wonderful photo ! :)
Off to click randomly. :)
I didn't have a tripod or much time, so I rested my camera on the bridge railing and hoped for the best. It turned out to be one of my favorites.
:) Great shot!
I have nothing accidental that even holds a candle.
I am inspired, though, and will start to click-click-click-click
without thinking more often starting today.
ooh i love that wedding photo. so much going on.
heres one, a little blurry one, where i just kept the button pressed down while madam ran.
i love it because she is just lost in the moment.
and truly, your taste in music is unrivaled!! love this song.
Even though I've got a camera that I can tell it to take a few photos in quick succession, a camera that would let me control this process would be ideal.
I think I'm going to start doing this, on my blog, weekly.. Show a few pictures that were "just clicked".
This is one such image
Mine is "shoot the shit out of em!"
"in the city"
everything seems to be so's funny to see everything so still...
I took this one driving in the car. I knew what I was trying to do, but I didn't even look through the viewfinder.
Another accident. I was just shooting street scenes without thinking during a Mardi Gras parade. I was too busy watching out for my son and friend's daughter (in the photo):
This was one I didn't discover I had until almost a month after I took the shot. I was just taking some sunset photos on the way back to the car after I'd been taking some candid portraits of my son. I was shocked to see what I'd captured in the water....
This one was also a total accident:
It's my 3 y/o DD throwing snow at me, I could NEVER have timed this shot this perfectly. The anticipation of it, would have ruined it.
here are two i took last weekend while driving. of course, i can't take my eyes off the road, so i just kind of point my camera in the right direction, hold my breath, and click, click, click. i love them.