on the radio (uh oh)

We ask a lot of questions around here at Shutter Sisters. What inspires you? Are you up for a challenge? What images would you like to share with us?
I think it’s high time we give you a chance to ask us a question or two.
On April 16th at 6pm PST, Sister Kate (it makes me giggle when I get to call her that) and yours truly have been invited to join the lovely and very clever Kristen of Motherhood Uncensored on her Blog Talk Radio podcast where we will answer your questions live on the air. Crowd goes wild.
Here’s what we’re proposing—you offer up your questions here in the comments and we will pick a few that we’ll address on the show. If we choose to use your question on the air, we’ll be sure to extend a little token of gratitude (gifts TBA) if that’s any incentive. *
So ladies, fire away. What is it that you want to ask us? We’re all ears.
* edited to announce that our little token is a BIG gift card to Snapfish. We've got 3 - $50 cards for the lucky winners! YAY!
Reader Comments (22)
Looking forward to the podcast! :)
And one more, for those of you that are professional photographers, do you offer prints to your clients? And if so, how do you go about getting prints? A ink-jet at home with special paper, a professional service? Any suggestions for this would be great!