no comment (sort of)

Forgive our hiccup today...this post got deleted on accident-things happen-but i know a lot of you commented and left links and we apologize but it seems we lost those too! Rats. Note to self-it IS really smart to write posts in a word document before getting them up on your blog. Whew.
One of my favorite magazines of all time is Wondertime. Have you seen it? It still surprises me when people haven’t. I’ve had a subscription since the minute I discovered it. The visual sensibilities are off the charts cool. The perfect mix of art and everyday; a visual marriage that particularly speaks to me. And then there’s the content. With contributing editors like Catherine Newman and Brett Paesel (love and love) and articles from women like Alice Bradley (more love) what, I ask you, is not to like?
But even with all this periodical alchemy, when I get the magazine each month I go straight to the very back page…first. See, they end the issue with a photograph (actually usually a diptych) titled no comment. It’s usually a coupling that speaks so poignantly of childhood in that perfect, I laughed, I cried kind of way that no words are necessary. It’s great.
I have only given you all of this background to say that now and again if you come across a post here at Shutter Sisters called no comment (and if we’re being true to the phrase, using only a photo and no words) you’ll know where the inspiration came from.
And if any of you are so inclined to share your own no comment photos, by all means, show us what you’ve got. And if you enter them our Flickr pool and tag them “no comment” you never know when one might pop up on a post (with your permission of course). Sometimes a good image—or two—says more than any words can say.
Reader Comments (8)
Here's my no comment again:
And a new one, just for fun:
No Comment!