Superhero Photo Challenge: the gory details

What you don't see in this series of photos of Ben is that on the other side of this photo is me, jumping up and down in bare feet, trying to make faces, yelling Stay on the paper! Put that down! Don't put that in your mouth! Ben! Look up here! Stay on the paper!!!
What you don't see is the terrible sleep we had the night before, how Ben cried at 2 am, yet even after I fed him he still cried on and off for several hours more. One of those nights when I needed sleep so badly and just couldn't take it anymore... I had no gentleness left. I put in earplugs and put my husband on duty.
What you don't see is Matt playing guitar sweetly for Ben next to me so that he stops and stares in wonder at the strings, the sounds, at his magical dada.
You don't see the meltdowns between shots, the pulling of the little girl's barette, the obsession with putting his finger in other kids' mouths, the crying over wanting to take the toys home, how we bribed him with grapes, the battle over putting the apple that was really a pencil sharpener in his mouth.
This is the magic of photography. And the magic of editing your photos to look back on years from now. They only tell the story you want to tell... And even though they don't always have the gory details, there is something just as true about them. The sweetness in Ben's face, his pure joy at holding a ukulele, the sparkle in his eye... all true.
But the challenge I want to pose this week is actually about those gory details. I want to see the mess, the dirt, the chaos. Give me your real life stuff.
Reader Comments (36)
I tried to take a photos of the kids from a different angle. They were filling the bird feeder but as soon as they saw me get down low to take the picture, they did the same. No amount of coaxing would change things. I gave up after 15 or so shots. This was one of them.
Here's one of mine... one of many many more!
One day I will get all three of them looking sweetly at the camera all at the same time. Until then - I get stuff like this:
So here I was, with my couple, and their dog-who just had no interest in me what-so-ever. Making these high pitched whistling sounds with my mouth, jumping up and down to get his attention, to to top it off--I ended up taking most pictures with a dog treat on the top of my head...
so here's my contribution...
one day i was sitting near my camera (as always) and my son came to me with a world of wining on his lips. Of all the things I've tried to derail this infamous act of all great two year olds, taking his photograph throughout the episode turned out not to be of any help. =)
But it sure lead to a great mosaic for the grandmas who all thought he was otherwise the "perfect" child. =)
my fav part of this shot is the little sprig of ben's hair. perfect.
(I was really hoping my first picture I posted here would be a good one! LOL)
In fact, here is a sample of the outtakes:
And then a literal mess. I wanted some shots of the boys painting a picture. Then they began painting themselves, the floor, each other....
I asked Bradley to show me different emotions last weekend for the Photohunt, and it started off quite nicely with a pretend cross face
But then, he got a wobbly, typically for a 5yo, and started really crying. I of course, just carried on taking photos. LOL! My husband was not happy with me.
The first pic leads to the second one :)
The first pic leads to the second one :)
Here is mine from today.
I was trying to get a picture of him after his hair cut. But as you can see from the blurry picture he wasn't having any of that and kept turning his head.
The full story of our day can be found here
and this..
Happy Sunday all!
Big brother couldn't stand all of the attention being paid to his baby brother... and he crept into our shot!
This is what I get to see almost every time I point the camera at my son:
I thought this picture turned out okay considering my efforts.
You can see the whole series here:
This was shot in front of a mirrored building.
This was shot in front of a mirrored building.
What you can't see are three little pairs of flower girl eyes full of tears. What you can't hear is the bride comforting the girls by explaining that just because she is married it does not mean she cannot be friends with the little girls. And the bride confirming that the kiss at the end of the ceremony was not icky because she loves the groom. And reassuring the girls that not all boys are icky. Just some of them.