cover shot
"Far below lay the fields green with wheat, the flat pastures grazed by horses, the darker greens of the woods." - Richard Adams, Watership Down
I'm currently reading a book called Watership Down. It was written in 1972 and somewhat of a classic (I've been meaning to read it for years). If you haven't read it, it's a fictional story about a group of rabbits roaming around the English countryside and much of the story includes detailed descriptions from the rabbits' viewpoints. It's a beautifully written book but to tell you the truth, it tends to put me to sleep quicker than most books. It's not that it's boring, but it is written in a very soft, soothing way that makes my eyes want to close. The next thing I know I'm dreaming about bunnies.
As I was editing the above photo, I immediately thought of this book. Everything about it fits perfectly with the story; the wheat (good for munching), the angle of the photo (low to the ground like a rabbit), the soft, muted colors (much like the storyline). It could be the new cover of Watership Down. I was thinking that might be a fun little project for anyone looking for a some photographic inspiration. You could choose a book and then go out and shoot the new cover. Or you could go through old photos and match it up with a book you've read. If you decide to try it leave a link to your photo and then tell us which book it belongs to. I'm curious to see what you come up with!
Reader Comments (15)
When you're reading Watership Down, just try to keep in mind that its really about individual freedom versus government tyranny. It makes it a lot more interesting! But when I think about the book that way I'm a little horrified that we give it to children to read.
except it's a spoon...
And one for Make Way for Ducklings:
I don't think I've ever read the book (or maybe I read a condensed version of it as a child), but I'm pretty sure there was a T.V. movie when I was a kid, and I loved, loved, loved it.
what a great idea!
On a humorous attempt, I think this photo would be the new cover for one of my favorites - Atlas Shrugged:
though it only works if you know that his name is Atlas, and can tell that he's trying to shrug his "clothing" off. Heh.
My problem is that I can't choose a book for which to make a cover! I've been thinking of short stories that I read in high school, though, and may do one of those. Then I won't already have a picture in my head, too.
I think it's time for me to get Watership Down and read it again; it's been about 14 years. It was so well written that a lot of books I read afterwards were horrible in comparison.
Ooh, maybe I'll re-read Tailchaser's Song and see what I can come up with. :)
I'll be checking back often to see what you ladies come up with!
What a perfect shot indeed for a new cover:)
This is such a fun idea.