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Love Thursday: Love, our way


 When it comes to our daughter Alex, my husband Marcus is much better than I am at entertaining: he will play with Alex for, literally, hours. Weekends are filled with them riding bikes, shooting baskets, swimming in my parents' pool, whatever. If it involves play, Marcus is generally the parent on call -- I'm often inside on my computer, or reading a book, or generally keeping to myself. Marcus, while unfailingly attentive, is also The Fun One.

But when it's time to talk, I'm on duty. Every morning when Alex gets up and every night before she goes to bed, we snuggle and talk. Every afternoon that I pick her up after school, we spend some time discussing current events. Sometimes we talk about light subjects, like what happened during her school day, or why it's tough to decide which is better, ballet or gymnastics, or whether popcorn is tastier than cheesy toast. But sometimes we talk about deeper subjects, like what happens when you die, or why parents will do anything and everything to protect their kids, or why the most important thing is to be kind to yourself and kind to other people.

 I guess we just love her each in our own special way. 

* * * * * * *

Happy Love Thursday, everyone.  Please leave your links of images of love in the comments section below, and  be sure to check out the beautiful shots by Belle & Bear and {Kate C.} left in our Flickr pool for inspiration.

And may you find your own special way to love someone today. 

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    When I was discussing the dilemma of keeping my tomatoes watered in this post, many of you suggested that we invest in a rain barrel. This made me giggle, every single time, but it also made me realize that I hadn’t yet told you the Story of the ...

Reader Comments (60)

Happy Love Thursday, everyone. This isn't a new shot but highlights two of the greatest loves of my life. They also happen to turn 4 this Saturday, July 5th. Bringing them into the world was a challenge (11 weeks on bedrest - 7 of those weeks in the hospital) but I wouldn't change a second of it for the world. They are my love angels.
July 3, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBari
My daughter and her bunny... true friendship
July 4, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterjennP
Isn't it wonderful that you recognize that there are different ways to love? Thanks for sharing your love with us!
July 6, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterMichele
Happy Love Thursday!

Besos from Buenos Aires
August 7, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTina
Cars and houses are expensive and not everybody can buy it. But, <a href="">loans</a> are invented to aid people in such kind of situations.
June 10, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMarianDecker

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