sister friends
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 by Kristin Zecchinelli
I clearly remember seeing the announcement on Tracey's blog for the launch of a new site for women in all levels of photography. Found hearts, love Thursdays, superhero challenges, all such positive vibes. I was eager for its launch. The images are creative and beautiful, the daily posts are informative and thought provoking, yet never did I imagine the personal impact this space would have on me. The connections, the sisterhood has truly blown me away.
We all come here open and vulnerable in a way. Posting photos, little windows into our lives, our loves, our art, our passions. Erasing all distance and borders as if we were all gathered together sharing stories over coffee. Here I have been blessed to meet a wonderful core of women which only grows each day. Once strangers from all corners of the world, now friends, sister~friends. Connections made with such ease, such familiarity as if our hearts said, "hey you, hi. i know you. i SEE you." Daily we share the real, the magic, vast beauty, and family moments in this place. The comments push me creatively, inspire me personally, warm my heart, and can make me laugh out loud. My hope is that I give as much as I take from this gift. I no longer click on my Shutter Sisters button for what I will see, but rather WHO I will see.
The images I love.
The creativity I need.
The sisterhood I treasure.
So please share, tell us, what does the sisterhood mean to you?
Photo and words courtesy of today's Honorary Sister / Guest Blogger Kristin Zecchinelli -aka Maine Momma.
Reader Comments (41)
I know my photography has improved since spending a bit of time each day here -- I supposed that is to be expected. What I didn't expect was to learn so much about life and love and new ways of looking at the world as I have.
Some can be seen here:
Thanks for yet another lovely post that sends me to bed smiling.
The internet is a strange and beautiful place-where people who would have never met can connect and talk, share and learn... People with whom I'm not dropping the 'tap tappity tap' of the keyboard, and picking up a pen to send a delicious letter to.
These women, who I look up to on more levels than just their creativity-but more to their strong character of a woman... With them-I'm starting to feel more in my skin, more comfortable with my curves as I witness them hug theirs, as they take beautiful self portraits to show their flaws, as I read their words...
With some of my 'sisters', I feel as if we've been separated at birth..
A website, where sisters can come together and share a bit of their life, their soul, their passion... Has done more in other peoples lives than it ever knew it would...
You all have something very special . ..your sisterhood. The glimpse I've gotten so far is amazing . . . looking forward to delving into the nooks and crannies soon . . . and maybe working up the nerve (sooner than later) to share some of what I see, with you.
grow up
shutter sisters.
And my camera does not click, yes HLT.
Kisses all from Spain
I really appreciate that.
I don't have any real life sisters, so sisterhood to me is something we choose. It's those friends who are always there to share the highs and lows, the fights, the births, the depression, the *life* we all lived day by day. Some of them I only know online, but we talk every day.
our fellow sister boho denise's post today articulates what sisterhood is sooo well.
I've been inspired to look at things differently and in more unconventional ways. Not just photography but life also. I don't come just for the pictures but also the stories they tell and the things we can learn from those stories.
I love the sharing of little bits of peoples lives and that I'm not alone in capturing and appreciating the 'little' moments. I love seeing everyone's unique style and seeing people being stretched beyond their comfort zone. It's a great community and one I am glad to becoming a part of.
Inspires me to challenge myself. To grow.
Recently I've been stuck in an 'object' phase. Yesterday I took inspiration from a recent Shutter Sister's post to step outside of your comfort zone and ventured out to do some vistas.
Thank you Shutter Sisters for sharing your photos, your insight, your knowledge, your wisdom, your humor and most of all...
your heart.
I've been so busy lately that I haven't had much time to share or look, but I look forward to when things settle back down and I can get into my daily routine....Shutter Sisters is usually part of my morning ritual. First, I write. Then I check the Shutter Sisters blog.
and this
I am amazed by the daily inspiration I receive from this wonderful group of photographers. It keeps me striving to try new things and to just keep shooting. Kudos to all who share their work here on the blog and/or the Flickr group! And thank you, Kristin, and all who leave such encouraging comments. Each one is like a little gift.
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MENopause & MENstruation which leads to
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MENacing and suffering from MENtal confusion which leads to
MENtal infirmity until we are MENtally unbalanced at which time
we are assigned to the MENtal Institution of matrimony to
Lo and Behold
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