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oss - august 2008

Jen at Cherry Vanilla Studios creates images that gently lead us down the road to the magic of everyday; soft and sunkissed reminding us of how life should be lived.

When I saw the shot above I was immediately smitten and that she calls it Chasing the Sun only makes me love it more. It whispers to me of the last of the lazy days of summer…


For more images of inspiration created by amazing women, please click around today and let creativity seep into your summer skin.

Meryl is honoring this shot by ojoyous1

Rachel is honoring this shot by Sarah Luke

Debbie is honoring shot #8 in this post from Amber at Skyward Journey

Maya/Springtree Road is honoring this shot from Shelli Bond Pabis

Lora is honoring this shot from Ella

Andie is honoring this shot from Kristin/Maine Momma

Amy is honoring this shot by allisonbird

Tonya is honoring this shot by Stephie Fry

Corey is honoring shot #2 in this post at Life’s Little Adventures

Sheri is honoring this shot from justmakeit

Dr Lyn is honoring this shot by Just Hay

Melody A is honoring this shot by Cosi!

Emily is honoring this shot of her daughter

Sarah-Ji is honoring this shot by Emily

Terri is honoring this shot from Kristin/Maine Momma

Johanna is honoring this shot from Danisoul

and Diane is honoring both this shot by saramarie and this one by Jeroldssis.


Thanks everyone for your participation. We’ll be doing it again next month when the signs of fall begin to reveal themselves and the whole world changes…

You can email us with your nomination anytime at

See you then! 

Reader Comments (6)

August 10, 2008 | Unregistered Commenterbecky
wonderful. all of them.
August 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterLu
What a wonderful way to start my morning. Great shots everyone.
August 10, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterTerri
Gorgeous way to start a day looking round all of these :) especially loved "chasing the sun".
August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterRhiannon
These are wonderful nominations... such beauty!
August 11, 2008 | Unregistered CommenterBreanne
When you're in the corner and have no money to go out from that point, you would have to take the <a href="">home loans</a>. Because that should aid you for sure. I get sba loan every year and feel fine just because of that.
March 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterCatherine35Arnold

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