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Sometimes? Life Calls For Ice Cream

It was the middle of November, and I was hitting a wall.  So much going on in my life, some good, some difficult, and all of it pulling my limbs in every which direction.  My husband had an event going on that night, and of course my daughter didn't want to miss out.  I should stay home and get some work done, my inner logic reasoned.  I'll regret it come this weekend if I don't.  Luckily for me, something a tad unusual happened; a sudden surge of spontaneity took over and hushed my common sense.  I decided to go out and have fun with my family.  I decided to say yes to myself, to what I really wanted.  And when my daughter asked to go out for ice cream that night?  I said yes to that, too. 

I believe this image is a sweet reward for having done so.

I'm learning that when I have these little urges to veer off the usual path, I should listen to my inner guide, because more than likely, there is magic waiting to be discovered in the hidden cover of mystery.  Sometimes the magic is profound and life-changing, and other times it's the simple pleasure of enjoying the unlikely ice cream cone on a cold November evening with your 5 year old sprite of a child.

When was the last time you chose to be spontaneous and said yes to yourself?  Wasn't it sooo worth it?  Please share your stories and any images you were rewarded with!

Reader Comments (11)

i love this post it makes me remeber how good is following our wishes and urges. it doesn't happen so often, my rational part is always ready to block, but last time, almost a month ago, was wonderful, a long day out, having a nice lunch, a beautful walk and amazing free show, all my family together!
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterkosenrufu mama
Such an excellent reminder of the importance of just plain sweet fun:
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
A recent impromptu dinner date with my husband, we're working opposite each other right now and there has been very little time together. He's gone in the night and I'm gone in the day. A few grabbed hours filling each other in on our week prompted this post.
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKath
This posting really speaks to my heart. Beautifully written. So often I get bogged down by my responsibilities and forget that sometimes I need to push it all aside and be responsible for my happiness. Sometimes Cory and I dress up (sometimes in costumes... sometimes in fancy attire) and have impromptu photo shoots just for the fun of it :)
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJade Sheldon
Sarah, of course we are in the same frame of mind on these matters! This weekend was all about yes! Yes to a girls night in for Friday,
and Disneyland on Saturday, and hot cocoa and chocolate chip cookies.

I I awoke this morning feeling satisfied and happy except for the work that is piling up (that won't go away). I almost let it take away the joy of the yeses...untl I read your post and was reminded to keep it all in perspective. The times of YES are the things that I will remember...that I hope my girls will remember and they give us the reprieve we need to keep us going. I can't wait to post my shots from Disneyland. It was a stellar way to spend the day with my kids!

Thanks Sarah for these thoughts and for reminding me that the work will get done and to cherish the yeses.The reminders always help.
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commentertraceyclark
I'm a HUGE advocate for just going for it. I feel like I have a very firm grip on what is important and what is not. The housework is important, but at the end of my life am I really going to sit down and go... well I'm really glad I didn't do this and this and this because I decided to stay home and clean? NO! Never forego the experience... that's my motto. :)
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterKellee
HI Sarah, I don't know you, but even before I looked I knew this photo was one of yours, and of your beautiful daughter. Thanks for the reminder that saying YES can lead to some wonderful things.
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBostongaljm
A really wonderful post, Sarah. I truly can relate to the words of your first paragraph, being pulled in different directions (since August). I'd been concentrating on getting ready for my son's wedding, the resulting carpal tunnel and surgery last week, getting my photography business up and running, blah, blah, blah. For one of the few times since the wedding, yesterday I took some fun shots to get my creative juices flowing and I videoed my dorky dog watching his reflection in the water bucket, trying to figure out how to get to that strange dog in the water bucket.
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterToni | Daily Vignette
I'm laughing only because we ALSO went out on a random night in November for ice cream for very similar reasons. Love this shot and the accompanying reminder.

This was the shot that resulted of our November ice cream outing. Makes me laugh even now.
December 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterFireMom
I have always told myself that I would be the kind of Mama who says yes unless there is a very good reason to say no. Today was a good opportunity to say yes to a crazy notion my daughter had in her head that if she was pink she could fly. I did not argue. I will cherish the picture forever. It is good to be affirmed that I am not insane, just more in tune with my impulses ;)
December 7, 2009 | Unregistered Commentersummer
What a cute photo! It really captures the atmosphere of spontaneous ice cream.
December 8, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterAmanda K

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