
Photo by Olivia, age 5
One of my "kid tricks" at photo shoots is to bribe them by letting them take some of the pictures. I've found that it keeps them interested in the process, and sometimes distracts them out of a tantrum. In this case, Olivia wasn't throwing a tantrum. She was just one of those kids who has a natural curiousity about everything. She asked me if she could take a few pictures of her mom and dad. Of course I said yes, and this is what she snapped! Easily one of the best shots of the day! I love her perspective, and the cropping. But my favorite part are the expressions on mom and dad's faces: just completely unguarded, and encouraging their little girl. It showed me that by handing the camera over to someone else, not only do we get to see how they see. We also get to see how they are seen. The whole process is such a mutual exchange.
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Reader Comments (34)
Here's one-
I used my recently-discovered self-timer for this shot of my daughter and myself; we were both a little unsure about what happens when we look into the lens without a person behind it. We would take a photo, then turn the tripod around to review the shots, and she would squeal, "who's DAT?!!!?!" and I would tell her (in the same squealy, excited tone) "it's Mama and Piper!" and we would try again.
I really enjoy it when a child shows their interest in photography, especially when I am shooting them. Its always fun to let them help capture a few shots of mom and dad.
For this shoot, I tagged along with the family on their favorite hiking trail.
I must say, this little girl just might run me out of business in about 10 years...enjoy the photo!
His perspective and the way he "tells a story" with his pictures are wonderful.
My niece makes a little "o" face whenever she's observing something new and taking it all in... You can see it in this picture, taken by my MUCH-taller-than-my-niece boyfriend :) -
My kids always beg to get the hands on my camera and once a while I let them, less with the big one and the have theit own ones by now and are snappinglike crazy, but the to implent the idea the idea int hte photo shoot, ehy didn't I think of it. It's a great way to get the kids tied in and have fun in different ways and the feel so special.
love your baby girl's perspective.