a great many questions

My interview with Ally Godfrey got me thinking. What is my true passion photographically speaking? What is my style? What direction should I really focus on? And then there’s the Name Your Dream Assignment. What, if I could hand pick my jobs? What if I called the shots? What, if there were no boundaries at all, would I choose to do with my photography? All excellent questions of which I don’t have answers for and truthfully am not sure I have really asked myself until recently.
Quite often I see other photographers and I notice a certain quality, a common thread through their work. Themes they shoot, perspectives they hold, processing they use that whispers their name, their signature. It’s much harder to look at ones own work with the same objective and even complimentary eye. It stands to reason then to ask for help in building and paring down a photography portfolio. Getting other opinions and thoughts can only help us as we flesh out our work and make sense of it in a ‘big picture’ kind of way. To gather our work together so that we may recognize a group of images that reflects who we are as artists; as photographers. I think the exercise just might help us answer some of these questions. And what about talking about it? Sharing our work and our thoughts with others and opening ourselves up to feedback. I believe there is power in stating our intentions. On sharing them with an ear willing to listen and a heart willing to encourage and nurture us even challenge us.
Whether we are just embarking on our creative journey as photographers or if we are in the midst of some sort of rebirth or reinvention makes no difference. What is important is that we are asking these questions of ourselves and are committed to finding the answers.
I can’t help but feel safe here, with all of you, to wear my heart on my sleeve; to stand exposed and questioning. I hope that if nothing else we can be the sounding board for one another as we shoot and strive and search for who we are and where were are headed on this amazing journey.
Share a photo that speaks of who you are or maybe what questions you asking these days. A visual symbol, style or showing of yourself, as you are. There is a great power in numbers. We are all in this together and knowing that, I hope you feel as encouraged as I do.
Reader Comments (43)
Good questions you're asking...and ones that I often ask of myself. And then sometimes I wonder if we need a 'signature' style..or if we can just go on doing what we love?
Here's one of mine that I think is 'typical'..but not necessarily 'defining'??
and here what I feel... pure joy...
What's my style? Wow, I didn't even know what kind of clothes I like to wear until I was 40. I searched my latest inventory of photos, I found a lot of florals and of nature. Perhaps I'm leaning toward close shots of saturated color...I don't know. But I certainly found a lot of examples of it.
Each sunrise is an opportunity to begin anew.
I just signed up to participate in my local ASMP (American Society of Media Photographers) chapter's emerging photographer portfolio review. I'll pick 20 images and share them with professional photographers with 20 years+ experience to get feedback, advice, etc. in my focus areas (editorial and fine art). Encourage you sisters to consider joining ASMP - great resources, seminars, contacts and opportunities like this.
these days i feel that i am more in your face. bam. look at this! bah! it's bright, shield your eyes! it's more like the lungs forcing air out quickly than a zenlike intake. i'm not sure what it is, but something in me is trying to get out. and it feels good.
and this forum? it's just what you mentioned. i feel safe here. and so often i find myself typing up these enormous comments and hitting send before i even think twice. you all will not judge. you all are just like me. this is the conversation i want to have with many. this is the place for me to do it.
"I can’t help but feel safe here, with all of you, to wear my heart on my sleeve; to stand exposed and questioning. I hope that if nothing else we can be the sounding board for one another as we shoot and strive and search for who we are and where were are headed on this amazing journey."
And talking about processing... I'm excited about these pictures. http://aliandsethinthecity.blogspot.com/2009/04/one-of-my-favorite-things-to-do.html
I feel like I'm making a breakthrough in my photographs. Thanks for the CONTINUED inspiration Shutter Sisters!
Recently I made a project for myself at a historic site, and this is one of my favorite photos from that:
for example: the texture of the bark, the ripple of the leaves, the painterly colors in the background when the lens is focused correctly, etc.
I'm always telling myself to shoot more for ME, but my best work is always when I shoot for others. I plan to work on that. I need to find my own best work, what makes me happy. Not think about my clients, not think about my portfolio, not think about my stock agency...but simply let myself shoot whatever strikes my fancy.
Thank you for this thought-provoking exercise.
People tend to expect photos of my special needs sons, and I do capture their essence. But still, I search for peace in images of late. Or simple real moments. I don't know. But will certainly be thinking.
Thanks for always challenging, supporting and causing me to move forward. I like this image today...
or this one...
I know I love to tell stories, that I like the look of film even if it is digital and I know I don't like presets. That's about all I know at this point.
I think this is somewhat representative of where I'm going...maybe?
oh, and the shot I included in this post probably best sums up the way I feel right now, the slightly blurry want-to-be-something-more-than-i-am beautiful-in-the-moment photography...
Here is what I like in this minute, if I came back here in 5 minutes it very likely would be something different.
I feel like right now I am a bud on a tree, just following my most natural path and waiting to see what I'll become. Like those buds, I cannot change what's inherently inside of me, which inn my case is a creative soul.
Happy Friday!
My style is less obvious than some others mostly because I continue to photograph many subjects in many ways -- that is my style ... I guess I've never like being limited or categorized. I simply love to photograph :)
I'm so grateful for Shutter Sisters.
My subject matter tends to focus primarily on my two boys, however, when we are out for a walk and have them in stroller, I find there are certain things I'm drawn to. I find nature amongst urban or industrial decay to be very intriguing. The grunge and rust contrasted by pristine and fresh. Even better if the nature is acting upon the man-made...reclaiming. I often pull the boys over and snap away. And sometimes,on the weekends, I'll leave them with my husband and seek out the scenes that a crying baby wouldn't allow to be captured earlier that week. I'm not sure what it is about it.
Thanks for the opportunity to share!
these are all very poignant questions and points you raise—all thoughts i think of myself, even as an amateur photographer who is trying to grow. i think i am still trying to find my style—my niche in photography. all i know is i like to take pictures of things that speak to me.
and as a graphic designer, i like to add words to my photos to further that expression—and just practice the art of typography and design and layout in general. i guess that's my style—for now. it has been for a while. i like to think it always will be. it's hard to achieve without the results looking like a cheesy poster, but sometimes i really like the outcome.
here are some examples—some favorites:
and this one:
I took this photo of a teenager (my cousin), and my heart skipped. This is a look a love. I'd love for all my images to come out like this.
This is one of my favs from this spring:
peace n abundance
CheyAnne @ http://newmexicomtngirl.com
this is my newest
I don't know if I have a style, but I sure love the light of New Mexico
And I'm here other days: http://www.flickr.com/photos/faither81/3357763067/
They are both so similar but subtly different. And then there are other days when I shoot all weird angles. :-) I don't think I've really found a style yet.