
"Photo shoots" are a strange concept when you think about it, aren't they? People invite strangers with cameras into their homes, hoping they'll be able to capture and solidify a bit of what they feel for each other. We all know inherently that our dearest moments are fleeting. And so we expose ourselves. Because it's worth it. Because if it works, we're left with pieces of actual paper...pictures that feel permanent; depicting, and proving our most sacred connections. Our minutes which were once evaporating, now feel solidly tangible. Even framed. So as photographers, we know this is the expectation. We know people want us to fish out all the real bits of their lives. We love what we do, and we want to do a good job. And if we're not careful we can become on-a-mission about it. And that's when the magic bleeds right out of your work. Because finding moments is like chasing a rainbow. The second you feel like you know how to get there, is the second it disappears. That's what keeps it adventurous: the idea that some things cannot ever be planned or plotted. They can only be revered and explored.
What are you exploring lately? We'd love to see.
Reader Comments (25)
Here's something a little different that I've been playing with and exploring:
a session of night photos...
capturing a picture with a make-shift light box (piece of paper, natural light, window seal) & using b&w for a change...
maile, i love your post today. your words say what i have felt for many years. thanks for sharing.
This Saturday will be my first photo shoot, a gift for my former neighbor's graduating senior. The dad had a stroke last fall and they weren't able to have professional photos taken. It just dawned on me to do this for them and I'm excited and nervous!
Old Churches: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36197392@N06/3440133669/in/set-72157616297545917/
Indoor Baseball Fields:http://www.flickr.com/photos/36197392@N06/3504991173/in/set-72157616580721519/
Love this post!!
my 8month old is now well aware of the cameras in our home -- as we try to capture every moment recognizing that he is changes almost daily now.
i've spent LOTs of time taking pics at the ball park lately. with 4 out of the 5 girls playing, I have to admit my main subject of late has been softball. i also love playing on picnik since i stink at photoshop. :)
www.4pointsphotography.com and www.4pointsphotograhy.blogspot.com
Feel free to come and browse:). I love the photo you have posted here. The fact that it's black and white really sets it apart.