Out of the Bag, Onto the Road

She pressed it into my hand before she left. You'll need this, her eyes said, if not now, later. I nodded, the cold edges of the token warming to my touch. I waited until she was out of sight to examine it and then stuffed it deep into my jeans pocket.
I didn't think much of it after that, but every then and again, when I was feeling particularly low, I'd come across this little charm--in the bottom of my purse, in my coat pocket--and I'd remember how my friend wanted me to know that I wouldn't be alone, even when I thought I was, even when I was sure no one was noticing my life unravel one fabulous thread at a time.
It's been months since I came across my trinket. I don't know if I dropped her in the grocery store or if somewhere in my travels she tumbled out of my bag and onto the road. I miss finding her in unlikely moments. I wish she would find me now, in this instant where it's hard to remember everything will be all right, when I'm wondering where I am. When I'm imagining where I'll go.
Do you have a tricket, a charm, a tiny thing on your dresser, on your windowsill, that makes you a little bit stronger, that leaves you a little more happy? Show us your treasures in the comments below.
Reader Comments (15)
here's mine. i love wearing this charm necklace. i have a lot of jewelry, but this piece i find myself keeping coming back to. it definitely makes me happy when i wear it—and makes me feel a little french, too. :)
this simple rock makes me feel smooth even when I am not...
I especially feel bad losing chicken-friend,
who was part of a farm set my daughter got when she was a babe. i carried that chicken for over 7 years, sigh.
and now he's with me forever. (=
My sister took it back and carries it with her now.
He must have carried it for at least 30 years.
The very brief 'story' demonstrates something about my dear mother and it holds me up when I really need her the most.
& i have hundreds of pieces of beach glass from all around the world (my hub indulges my beach combing obsession) but i keep one piece in the pocket of my camera bag - it is small & white & not the most beautiful of the lot but it is the most precious ( my husband picked up for me one day when i wasn't there...) truly unexpected & treasured.
I love putting my little sparkley favorite things on my kitchen windowsill. The light makes bokeh on my walls =)