
I was going to begin this post by saying, "I believe in the idea that we can create our own destiny", but it sounded naive. So I deleted and replaced it with "I used to believe in the idea that we can create our own destiny" which sounded cynical, so I deleted it too. The truth is that I believe both statements, but not enough to make a declaration either way. While I'm so inspired by people who appear to live their lives by design, I'm skeptical about how much of it is an illusion. How much are they too, chasing the illusive "I'll be happy when..." pot of gold? We're so comforted by the notion that we have a certain level of control over our lives. We work and prepare...we invest in our 401K. Then the economy takes an unprecedented turn which changes everything. Or an unspeakably tragic earthquake crashes an entire city on top of itself. Turns out that what we thought we could count on, (including the very ground beneath us) is sometimes only an illusion of stability. And this is unsettling because we are so infatuated with the notion of certainty. The trouble is that we're fascinated by an illusion.
Maybe contentment is nearer when we make peace with that. Maybe we can actually coexist with the reality of not knowing, without feeling compelled to control, or explain, or make sense. Maybe it comes down to the idea of faith in a God who can somehow make sense out what seems to be nonsensical. I don't remotely claim to have all the answers, but I know this is how I find my strength.
How about you?
Reader Comments (17)
and this is how i feel about it. ;)
We can, however, control our responses and behavior. We can choose to be strong in the face of adversity -- or we can choose to break down and be overwhelmed. We can choose to be happy with what we have, or we can choose to windowshop and be envious of the things we can't afford. And we can choose to let God (or the universe, whatever you believe) have the reins, recognizing that we are powerless... or, we can choose to try to control everything, and be constantly disappointed with the chaos in the world.
It's freeing to realize that I am not responsible for the rest of the world, but I CAN choose every action and decision I make. I can't control the outcome, but I can control my behavior. How wonderful to shed the weight of responsibility for everything that goes on around me! It's not all up to me. Everybody else can handle themselves, and it's not up to me. That's fantastic news!
my strength comes from the the fact just like the sun setting it does not mean that the day is done. things go on. life goes on. and that no matter what...just like the sun rising again...i still have a chance to do better. a choice to always TRY to do better and move on.
what helps me? music and nature
i think it's important to remember that it's ALL illusion.
love this photo. love your thoughts.
many years have passed since I first heard that
and I'm finally "getting it"
Thankfully we're NOT in control!
loved to see this post today. i rarely talk about my faith on my blog, but yesterday i did just a little. i talked about prayer... something i find comfort and strength in lately.
When I was younger I believed that I could plan my future. Then people I had known for many years betrayed my trust for their own selfishness. Then my boyfriend died in a car accident. My life didn't proceed as planned, but that is okay. It still turned out pretty good. I can only control myself and my actions in how they affect my life. It is not a perfect life. I don't believe that is possible. It's a good life, though. I still dream of my somedays where I will be a photographer, artist, etc. I have made my choice to not have to struggle financially right now. I struggled enough when I was younger to know that I rather dislike it. The one thing I don't lack is confidence in my abilities. If I want something enough I will make it happen, because I know I am strong enough to make it through the hard times and the effort.
beautifully written. a simple truth that brings comfort.