This Is How the Universe Says 'I Love You'
You cannot convince me not to love this photo. And yet, this was one of those shots that I almost deleted the moment I captured it without even looking at the result because I had not meant to take a 1 second exposure. When I finally saw the image for the first time on my monitor at home, however, I was instantaneously smitten. Yes, it's blurry and partially blown-out and not anything like what I thought I wanted to capture, but upon first sight, I knew it was perfect.
Was it merely good luck or a happy accident that produced this photo? Perhaps a little of both. Nevertheless, I prefer to see it as the Universe's way of whispering 'I Love You' to little old me. It's probably not evident to anyone else, but what I recognize in this photo is the fluttering of my heart as I witnessed beauty unfolding before my eyes, the beauty I am woven into as part of my little community of love and faith. In between the blur and fuzz, I see grace and hope embodied in the bended knees of people I cherish dearly, people who bow their heads in love not to ideology or religiosity or unexamined faith but to the humble task of leaning on one another and carrying each other's burdens.
The Universe knew I would never think to take a long exposure, and so she intervened on my behalf and left me this little love note, and for that I am ever so grateful. It is personally more powerful and more meaningful than any image I could have captured with my own human eyes.
Please share with us today your images of serendipity/luck/happy accidents/gently whispered messages from the Universe, those images that unexpectedly made your heart skip a beat.
Reader Comments (19)
(the toning is the only treatment to this pic)
Like the first picture here:
I was just taking a picture through the lit trees, but then a woman with her dog just happened to walk into the frame at the perfect moment, making for a much more interesting photograph. I like it when things you can't control serendipitously work out.
This is one from yesterday, that I took after getting frustrated (was trying to take a pic of something else that didn't work out):
I kinda like the result, even though it was completely different from what I was going for.
Well, when I got home and actually looked at the picture, I was blown away by how much I actually liked it. It really was an accidental, and rather judgmental, capture.
here is one of my favorite happy accident shots. i did not set out to get this shot. i was just trying to photograph the many birds that were flying around, but i happened to get just the one. i love the simplicity of it, and its message to me was less is more... in my photgraphy and in my life.
he is 11 years old and not supposed to be on the is not a good photo technically...a wink and a whisper from the universe ..just let him stay there:
Great post, thank you!
I was photographing my children dancing in the halls. The last photo of my daughter makes me think of a graceful bird and reminds me of what a fluid, creative mover and shaker she is.