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the world through a child’s eye

I had the pleasure of a photo walk with my eldest son at the weekend, just us, as the sun was getting ready to dip behind the trees.

He lead us around the familiar setting of our local park, I wanted to give him the freedom to explore and let him be creative.

As followed him, I watched as he photographed items familiar to us both, even things I had photographed before. He was seeing them differently, through fresh eyes, it wasn’t the “same” or “boring”, just because he’d seen it many times before. Looking through the lens excited him and seeing his composition or framing of a familiar site, was thrilling to him.

I don’t think you have to have children, to know that the way they see the world is different. Everything is new to them, they have fresh perspective and a different view point.

Take a chance today, open your eyes and play with your camera, try spotting and noticing different view of the world, even in a familiar place. I'd love to see your world through "a child’s eye". 

Reader Comments (17)

I'd like to imagine that it is a child's whimsy that might see this:
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarcie
What you say is so true! I so enjoy looking at photographs my 9 year old son has taken. They always surprise me. I learn so much from his point of view. :)

The one I'm sharing today was taken by me, but with my son's help in setting up the scene in the little Lego world he has created. We had so much fun with this one for my blog, he set up several additional scenes that we worked together to photograph. It was a great combination of his point of view and creativity along my photography skills to create something together.
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKat
I love my boys' photographs. Here's an old one of mine that was inspired by them.
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCDScott
I love this article because it's exactly how I feel about taking photos. I love taking the things that may seem so ordinary, or something I've seen every day... and making it something special through the lens. My friend just mentioned you guys to me, and I'm already in love. I must pick up your book! Can't wait to see more.
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJessa
I enjoyed looking through my daughter's photos a little while ago.

but this is my favorite photo I found that day . . .
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPuna
I met up with a lady and her daughter that I'd gotten to know through the Picture series classes Tracey's been teaching. We decided to finally meet in person for a photowalk at the local arboretum. It was so fun to see our children play together and use their kid's cameras too. Here's a shot I snapped during the meetup: . It also reminds me that I need to download the pics from his camera!!
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnnGeeDee
Loving this sweet shot of your son. They are blessedly creative. I am hoping to take some pics soon of children's amazing work! Such artists they are! Right now we are off to town! But I am definitely taking my camera. Bleary eyed. Stayed up way too late working on collage poetry. You can see my latest here!
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrawqueen
I'm always a child at heart and will stop every time I hear music on the sidewalk....sometimes find myself tapping to the beat! Here's a toe-tapping twosome I found in Seattle during my last visit. Just don't focus on the money - it's misleading. I can't imagine that they support themselves in this venue!
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMarty Mason
she wanted to take our picture today...
so we did, her way. casey style.
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkristin
Gosh the photo of your son is beautiful you have everything going on, the great the light, the beautiful boy, great composition and wonderful colours. CArla
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarla
Happy Delurking Day! I have responded a few times but am more often a Lurker. In part because, I usually peruse your site during slow periods at work and most of my photos are on my personal computer. When I get home, it seems too late. Anyhow, I'm very grateful to Shutter Sisters, love your site, and it has led me to so many other avenues, including several e-courses with Tracey at Big Picture Classes. Thanks for all you do!
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDotti
I am twelve years old and have "inherited" :) the photographs of my mom. I photograph so much as her. Last year on holiday (Lake Garda), I discovered during a boat trip the red sailboat. Of course I had to photograph it immediately. At home I have it still seems to bear a Lomoeffekt. I like the picture very much, it reminds me of our vacation.

Here the photo:
January 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSmila
While I didn't write this post today, I recently took my 5-year old daughter and her 4-year old best friend on a photo walk and was delighted with the experience.
January 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKiley
My son received his first camera on his tenth birthday in October. He is an avid bird watcher and while out on such trips, he also photographs insects and flowers -- his height is a great advantage. One day he lingered for ages photographing something while my husband and I walked ahead. It was only later when we reached home and took a look that we realised that he spent a lot of time following a butterfly with badly injured wings moving from flower to flower -- a miracle that it was alive really. It touched my heart that while we usually seek interesting and unusual shots, symmetry and perfect composition in our photos, none of it mattered to this little boy as much as the butterfly itself. I thought a great caption for the photo would have been I'M PERFECT. It's up on - Namitha, Delhi, India.
January 19, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNamitha
I can't wait until my daughter is old enough to take pictures and run around with a camera. Until then. I'll just keep taking her picture.
January 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

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