art love

Hello sweet shutter sister world! I am so excited to be here! I love this amazing community. I look forward to sharing lots of shutter love with you all.
Happy 'sigh'.....
Not too long ago, before I was bit by the shutter bug, my crazy passion was painting. In fact I made my living as an artist, working with a publisher, licensing my art and good stuff like that. In the fall of 2009 I found myself having to rethink my creative path. And as I sat in my studio, staring at a blank canvas, my sweet Nikon whispered my name. I picked it up and we've been the best of friends ever since. I went many months without touching my art. My beloved supplies just sat there, patiently waiting for me. But I took many pictures....many....many... pictures.
In time my art supplies called to me, at first I resisted. I didn’t need them anymore. My camera was enough. But eventually the desire to get messy won me over. We found each other again. These days, I am blessed to combine my art and photography. Most days you will find me going back and forth between my iMac and my art....taking breaks to photograph my sweet Ben or something simple that catches my eye.
Besides your beloved camera, what are your creative tools? Perhaps you write daily in your journal, love to cook, maybe you are musician, maybe you knit.
I love photos of art supplies, there's something about the texture of wool, like this or this...that makes my heart sing, crafting, creative workspaces, kitchen tools .... sweet kitchen tools..... 'sigh'..... Love...just LOVE.
Share your creative tool shots with us today. I'd love to see them.
Be sure to give the amazing Kim Klassen a big warm welcome as she is our latest regular contributor here. We know ya'll are big fans (as are we) and we couldn't be happier to have her here to share her awesomeness with us!
Reader Comments (73)
This post inspired me to think about my creative tools. For years it was paper, ink, rubber stamps, etc. Now I rely on my Canon and PSE 9. But thanks to your selfless instruction, the "cut & paste" years are blending nicely with my immersion into technology. The possibilities are truly endless...
lately my tools have been hammers and such
I absolutely love your picture. Makes me want to pick up a paintbrush.
I'm so excited to read more posts from you!....Another source of inspiration! YAY!
Bernie x
Regards - Mari
I love creative things for example your photo and other photos. I write diary and with a diary I can always shoot creatively. ;) My diary is a little creative book. I stick into it all that reminds me of something. This year I've chosen especially a thick book, so I can glue a lot and can write a lot.
I never thought of them as media, but I would have to say knitting, nature and them while I'm in front of the camera and behind!
My creative passions are creative writing and photography. I found blogging to be a great way to combine the two.
This is a photo I posted at mrs. mediocrity recently, lessons i've learned from knitting about life:
here is an oldie from my archives. i loved the light and color found.
Everyday I am amazed at all that you are doing. I love your work and have long been an admirer since first being introduced to your photography throught flickr.
Personally, I joined flickr to challenge myself with something new and get me using my camera again a couple of years ago. I was at a point where I was feeling a bit bored with other things and needed a different direction - I am thrilled I did! I have learned so much and it has allowed me to meet so many amazing and talented women through this medium. I have even used several of your textures in my own images and have always been thrilled with the results.
Here is one of the first ones I used from you:
Some of my other loves are baking and the art of decorating cakes. Some of which you can see here:
There is something about creating something from scratch that gives me such personal satisfaction...I have even found I love photographing my creations.
Again, many, many congrats to you!!! Thank you for sharing your creative talents with us and giving us more beauty in the world.
<a href="" title="work tools by Bright Glass, on Flickr"><img src="" width="500" height="333" alt="work tools" /></a>