art love

Hello sweet shutter sister world! I am so excited to be here! I love this amazing community. I look forward to sharing lots of shutter love with you all.
Happy 'sigh'.....
Not too long ago, before I was bit by the shutter bug, my crazy passion was painting. In fact I made my living as an artist, working with a publisher, licensing my art and good stuff like that. In the fall of 2009 I found myself having to rethink my creative path. And as I sat in my studio, staring at a blank canvas, my sweet Nikon whispered my name. I picked it up and we've been the best of friends ever since. I went many months without touching my art. My beloved supplies just sat there, patiently waiting for me. But I took many pictures....many....many... pictures.
In time my art supplies called to me, at first I resisted. I didn’t need them anymore. My camera was enough. But eventually the desire to get messy won me over. We found each other again. These days, I am blessed to combine my art and photography. Most days you will find me going back and forth between my iMac and my art....taking breaks to photograph my sweet Ben or something simple that catches my eye.
Besides your beloved camera, what are your creative tools? Perhaps you write daily in your journal, love to cook, maybe you are musician, maybe you knit.
I love photos of art supplies, there's something about the texture of wool, like this or this...that makes my heart sing, crafting, creative workspaces, kitchen tools .... sweet kitchen tools..... 'sigh'..... Love...just LOVE.
Share your creative tool shots with us today. I'd love to see them.
Be sure to give the amazing Kim Klassen a big warm welcome as she is our latest regular contributor here. We know ya'll are big fans (as are we) and we couldn't be happier to have her here to share her awesomeness with us!
Reader Comments (73)
So enjoy being creative, writing posts, it makes you feel so much better or enriches your life !
Altho my camera is my primary 'favorite' tool with which to create..I've turned it indoors..using fruit as my subject:
Here's an art supply image, and a cultural lesson from Italy, all wrapped up in one:
So nice to see you here. I just love your inspiring blog. I wonder often how you do it:)
I knit - a little, but not 'fittingly'; I cook - often, but not fabulously; I sew - sporadically, but skillfully enough; I play flute - or did, but no one should listen to the din;
Photography is my main creative outlet, and even it isn't done with proficiency. My life has taken some turns as of late. Away from creating. To much time given in service. Hopefully I'll find my way back. :)
I enjoy knitting, although it takes so long (well, it takes ME so long!) to finish most projects. I like the repetitiveness and the almost mesmerising slowness of it all.
But for almost instant gratification, digital photography is high on my list of creative pastimes, although I can spend hours playing with an image before I consider it 'done'.
I am really enjoying exploring textures and would recommend that anyone interested in combining textures with their images go visit your 'cafe' at for a few gorgeous ideas.
I knit, sometimes a lot, and sometimes not that much, but I always come back to it.
I also love to cook, and to shoot what I cook :)
i've always said i was a writer having a love affair with photography. and it's rare to shoot a written word, but this is as close as i get to documenting the other half of my creative process.
i like to do a lot of things and lately i've been playing with some japanese tape
and a new needle craft called sashiko, which is also japanese
Making things pretty makes me extraordinarily happy. :)
Jewelry making is just one more of my hobbies and that I can combine it with my photography hobby makes it even more dimensional.
I dance with my camera though words are what captures my heart.
I have always been a maker of things, much less so since I fell hard for photography, so I really get your post. I love the metaphorical and literal possibilities that art supplies offer, and I can get almost drunk on their colors. Fortunately for me my kids make art every day, so I've got plenty of opportunity to shoot art supplies and the creative process.
Thanks for sharing a little about yourself and your beautiful photograph. Love the light and focus in the shot - dreamy!
In addition to photography, I love to cook. Although, I don't often photograph my kitchen accomplishments...hmmm...
Here is a shot of some delicious farm-fresh potatoes I took this summer - just looking at them makes my mouth water.
I look forward to getting to know you better over the coming months.
look at you s o a r ... some m o r e !!
so super excited for you to be here ~ a lovely addition to the sisterhood indeed ... xo
you are an artist i admire and you are a friend i love ...
i get pretty overwhelmed lots of the time with how much creativity and artistry there is in the every day around me ...
to drink it all in is dizzying ...
right now i am loving photography and ARTography, thanks to playing around with your awesome textures!
i love food and cooking and baking ~ especially bread ... i have dabbled in many art forms throughout my lifetime ~sketching, oils, watercolour, clay and am currently intrigued with wire and papiér mache ...
i play harp and piano ... i write ... i would love to learn to knit ... i sew ... i repurpose ... i garden and landscape and have a deep love affair with stones and rocks ... oh, and junktiques ...
professionally, i am a graphic artist and marketing consultant and am working hard to put that 'on the shelf' so i can create without the 'sell' aspect always niggling in my mind ... arggh ... ; )
but most of all i love and admire other artists, like you kim, and what they and you bring to the canvas of life ...
jumping with joy!
Photography is my only medium but I love it although I am still a novice with much to learn. Shutter Sisters is a great place for inspiration and learning.
No photo to post (shhh! I'm at work!) since my photos are on my home computer but here's the inter-generational blog that my daughter and I have just launched:
I admire you so much for your beautiful photographs as well your enthusiasm and encouragement towards other artists of all kinds... I look forward to your posts here love ELK
simple creative tools .. paper . thread . fabric . words ...
If you would like it, I'd like to share the Stylish Blogger Award with you. If not, just know your site is lovely and appreciated!
Your star is just exploding all over the place!
I created something I call "Photography and Art: The Great Medium Experiment" to focus on a new medium every month. January is encaustic month and I'm having a blast slinging wax.
Here is a project:
Thanks for this wonderful post and as always; your sweet outlook on life and always your inspiration! ❤
i, too, am loving your tutorials
and delighted to see you in yet
another venue.
photography is my constant
and i've recently returned
to drawing via the yahoo group
everyday matters.
collage too. here
is a drawing of the chaos of supplies
on my 'dining' table
a word spoke to my soul {and my nikon :0)} Artography....using a mix of mediums to add art to my i guess i'm getting the best of both creative worlds!
take care my dear girl...we need to go out and celebrate!!
big prairie XO
How exciting! You will add so much to the Shutter Sisters site. Congrats.
Congratulations! So truly well-deserved!
Much congratulations to Kim! I'm so excited for this venture of yours!