
Meet Jeremy ~ AKA Jer.
Jer is sixteen. He's incredibly smart, has received countless academic awards, he loves his vids, his iPad, movies and UFC. He's a guys guy. He's super funny. He can pull a quick joke or a sarcastic line out of his hat in an instant. He says things you would never think of. Jeremy truly is the BEST.
And, he's our HERO. Actually, let me expand...... He's our Super Hero....
Jeremy is my nephew. He's 16. He lives with a genetic illness known as SMA - Spinal Muscular Atrophy. He is confined to his wheelchair. He has limited hand/arm mobility.
I asked 'my boys' individually to describe Jer in one word. The first word both Brett and Bryce came up with.... instantly...was RESILIENT. And that is just so true. (Definition: able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions)
That's our Jer..... and here's a few more words that came to us:
- brave
- inspirational
- smart (bordering on genuis)
- cool...as in Cool Cat....smooth...all that
- determined
- amazing
As I prepared this post I hopped over to the SMA Canada site. My brother founded the organization in 2000 after Jer was diagnosed. It occurred to me.... there is more than one Hero in this story. Jeremy's parents are the truest of true heroes and they have raised a Super Hero.
We would love to meet your hero. Please share with us. Let's celebrate heroes today.
Here's to you Jer... and to all our Super Heroes ... love and gratitude....
p.s. If you have not heard of SMA, I encourage you to follow this link to learn more. And if you have just a few moments, check out this incredibly touching video.
Reader Comments (23)
My Hero is my sister, of course, her beloved husband passed and left her with their four wonderful kids, she resiliently built them up and built her own life again. Then she had a few strokes. And she resiliently built herself back up. One of our family charities is the Heart and Stroke Foundation ...
i remember when you first heard of jeremy's diagnosis ...
it was such a time of unknowns ...
but perseverance and a stamina that we can never really know has brought
light and understanding to this remarkable young man's very existence ..
jeremy has never ever hesitated in being true and real to himself no matter what ...
and that is something that everyone loves about him!
we can't ever know what it is truly like to be in his shoes ~ his chair ...
but i do know that the love and determination
and openness of your family makes every step of his life
that much more joyful and rich ...
wishing that kind of love and full life for all heroes and their families today ...
it is wonderful that you shared jeremy's story here today, kim ...
Today I have two heroes:
#1) family and friends who look after loved ones with special needs;
#2) a friend in Japan who is showing courage, strength and grace.
Thank you for celebrating heros.
In about 6 weeks he will return from a one year deployment to Afghanistan. This has been a journey I could have never dreamed of taking. And one I will be happy to see come to an end.
Stop by and see how we've kept him connected to home: dearclayton.blogspot.com
I was thinking today about heros- the valiant men in Japan who are working in the nuclear facility to get it stabilized, endangering their very lives.
God bless our hero's.
My hero is my husband. He lives with a spinal cord injury. He is very positive, a true inspiration to many. Here is his blog that he just recently started, in Jan 2012