Lately I have been thinking about all the ways in which Photography has given me superpowers. For instance: I can freeze a special moment (any moment actually), I can capture someone's soul (huge!), I can make people smile (and I'm so not the funny type), I can make someone feel beautiful (I only reveal the beauty that is already there), I can change the world (documenting and sharing stories), I can make one travel around the world (through images), I can create memories (for myself or someone else),I can make ordinary things look extraordinary (it's all about how you look at things), etc...
But I know it is not just me, right?
So tell me, what superpowers have you acquired since you've started carrying a camera? Can you share an image to illustrate that superpower today?
Reader Comments (22)
sometimes i capture a moment that makes me feel as if i have traveled through time. that would be a cool superpower!
Here's an image SOOC taken recently: At first glance I loved the sparkly bokeh background, but in the editing process I realized those white circles of light were distracting.
Here's the final image edited and posted to my blog:
Thank you all for sharing! xo
I have loved Alan Taylor's work, from the Boston Globe Big Picture blog to the Atlantic, and I think the photos in this essay are heart-breakingly beautiful.
yes, yes, yes... all those things. i don't think taking pictures gives me any other super powers that you have not already mentioned. but it gives me all those powers you have mentioned {except for the making someone travel around the world, as i don't do much traveling myself... although, i guess someone in africa is traveling to my part of the world if they see a photo i take in my part of the world}.
what a delightful thought... to think of any art form giving us super powers. music, painting, photography... anything, really! wonderful!
here is a photo where i like to think i "made someone beautiful"... my mother and my son:
and yes, i was only revealing what was already there.
by documenting the beauty of the landscape throughout the seasons i can help convince the authorities not to turn it over to project developers
today i was at a country fair, liistening to the band, when suddenly a tall, skinny old man got up and started to dance with a much younger woman (later someone told me his age was 91...!)
they were totally absorbed in the rhythm of the music and just kept on twisting and jiving, it was a sight for sore eyes
so i got out my iPhone and kept shooting, i so much wanted to capture their joy and their energy
As always, thanks for the inspiring posts.