shine your light

We are all good at shining the light on others. Singing praises, commenting on the beauty of everyone else's art, photos, and lives. Why do we forget that our own light is so very precious and needs to be nurtured and deserves to be praised? As women are we just so busy taking care of others that we forget to stand in our own light? Or do we buy into the belief that such behavior is boastful and prideful, rather than brave and confident? Have we been conditioned to hide our own light? Do those dreadful words, 'who do you think you are?' ring in your ears? I am guilty of this. Someone praises my photography, or something I wrote, and I can feel the heat rising in my face, I actually get a physical response to it. Forget about tooting my own horn, ugh, no way. But why not? If I cannot believe I am worthy than who will? Allowing myself to stand in my own light is something I am truly working on. Just when I needed it, a very special gift came my way. A locket, a keeper of treasures and sacred things, worn near my heart. Inside, a whisper to my soul... "Stand in your light". Four little words that speak big to my heart.
We each have our own special gifts to share with the world, rather than being shy or embarrassed by that, why not shout it out instead! Today shine the light on YOU. Have you done something new or exciting with your photography? Perhaps a gallery showing, a first photoshoot, opened a shop, entered a contest, been published, taken a class, printed one of your own photos and had it framed just for you? Perhaps there is just a certain photo you are SO.VERY.PROUD.OF. Go ahead, tell us! Show us! Celebrate it! Whatever it may be, share it with us here today. Say yes to you and your light.
Like the locket says, stand in your light, you deserve to feel the warmth it holds.
As extra incentive to shine your light with us, the multitalented artist Liz Lamoreux, creator of the beautiful locket above, is gifting one simple soul mantra locket necklace to one lucky commenter here today. Liz's shop, soul mantras and other stories, is filled with beautiful pieces each imprinted with special words that speak straight to the heart and soul. Perhaps there is a message your soul is in need of right now. Just leave a comment here by midnight PST to be entered in today's giveaway.
GIVEAWAY UPDATE: congrats to Amy, the winner of the simple soul mantra locket giveaway. xo Amy!
Reader Comments (96)
And - I love the concept of standing in one's own light!
i know this. not only from deep within myself but also because people keep telling me this over and over again
most of the time i don' t really believe it. i compare my work to that of others and find a dozen reasons why i fall short
somehow i find it hard to trust my own vision
but i keep on shooting pictures and sharing my vision with the people around me and they keep on telling me my images are inspiring and beautiful
last weekend i went to an indonesian country fair and photographed all the wonderful colors and shapes i saw in the market stalls
i sent a link to the organizers and they were all really excited about the way i captured the essence, the atmosphere of the event
This year I vowed to put it all out there and follow my dreams. I'll never know if I could have been great if I never try. So even if I fail, I will not fail because I haven't tried. After 18 years of dreaming, I've finally started my own photography business. I just want to give people pictures that they will cherish. I don't even want to be rich or famous or the best. I just want to give people pictures they will love.
I continue to experiment with stones . photos and quotes ...
' a photograph I'm proud of'. I've never said it before.
It felt boastful - but I am proud. Funny how hard it is to say about oneself!
It's so cool knowing that my prints are decorating the walls of homes across the US (and in Australia!).
I was/am proud of the end result. I learned a lot about myself and my photography. It is hard saying that I'm proud of something that I copied, but I am. It pushed me past my comfort zone and I learned that it's ok :)
This blog post reminds me of that treasured Indigo Girls lyric. I had an epiphany this year, that it is through the darkness that I find my own light and like a poster above, I think it's only me who sees it and another lesson in life, I'm totally okay with that. Here is one of *my* most favourite images that I've taken... I've been drawing on it a lot lately to re-inspire. blessings to all, I'd love the opportunity to win such a beautiful, totem. xx
I'm trying to get up the nerve to have my neighbor friend display and sell some of my printed photos in her hair salon as she has offered. I do feel like it is boastful and I am supposed to be humble and never take credit. I also feel guilty, too, because I have a regular job, so why should I sell photos when there are real artists and pros trying to make their living this way? . . . ahh, the guilt that comes with being a woman! I have gotten a bit more brave lately though . . . here and there . . . by giving photos away to friends and families and entering contests and I do print plenty for myself, but that doesn't make me feel gulity nor too boastful . .. someday, I need to take the next step! Thanks for the reminder that it is okay to be proud of yourself and your work.
For me, I have my very first official photo shoot at the ballet studio I dance at. Twice now, I've been the only one with a camera around at performances & now our Artistic Director actually asked me -not our official guy- ME, to take some shots of class for our website. I am both nervous & busting at the seams!
at 3 sisters village, we are creating an online gallery exhibition of visual art (theme: body). we invite you to join us, if desired.
thanks for turning me on to such beautiful jewelry, wow!
I have been working on lovin' and showing new light on the way I care for my family. Simple daily activities.
Such an important part of my life and documenting in thru photos is an wonderful way for me to look back at the end of the day... a loving journal of photos. Sometimes when I feel like I have not measured up in some way I look back at those postive moments. Such a good boost for me.
I am feeling that I got a little better in shooting simple things and show them un-edited:
Also, I think I am quite good shooting film! I really like it:
I change the photos every season.
The winter photographs are in the middle of this post:
I thought this pic was particularly representative. I love the photo for its girliness but also thought the subject matter was fitting.
It's good to know that we aren't alone in this. It's good to have physical reminders like a necklace that help us celebrate ourselves and our accomplishments. Something to give us confidence and acceptance for the light we bring into the world. Thanks for the reminder of that today!
I am oh so proud of this shot.
is getting an amazing response in a contest on Google +. If you'd like, you can leave a comment - it'll help me out. But even if I don't win, it's great to know that I could have...
this locket would be an everyday reminder to change thaT BAD THINKING into a more positive one.