no distractions
Racing against the clock today trying get a million things done all at at once, I felt more scattered than focused. Late in the afternoon I was on a call with a friend (someone I'm working with on a big project) and before we could even get into the work part of the call, I was interrupted on my end by my daughter bounding in from her first day of High School. I got immediately distracted, Uh, er, I think I have to go. But, I really need to talk to you about just a few things. Uuuuh, er, um...shoot. Let me think.I paused for a moment trying to figure out how I was going to stretch myself to be in two places at once; with my work and with my daughter.
Go, go, my friend ordered,That is much more important than this. Go. We'll talk later.
How was it that so quickly I lost sight of what really was most important? How easily I tried to put off what was happening under my roof, with my kids and keep them on hold while I worked? There's a lot of that around here with projects and pressures and so many things to do. It's amazing to me how often I say, give me a minute.
But sometimes, there's the non-negotiables. The things that matter so much that everything else must fall to the wayside; the other demands of the day totally blocked out until all you can see is right in front of you; no distractions. There is such a freedom in those moments. The freedom of letting go and being all in.
When my kids were babies, there was a lot of that kind of time. When you didn't have a choice. When tiny mouths needed to be fed. When small bodies needed to be rocked. When bright eyes needed you to pay attention. No distractions. It's so different now and yet so much the same. Sometimes though, it's harder to see the need. But rest assured, it's still there.
Whether you've got teen-agers or babies or spouses or parents or pets or friends or neighbors or anyone or anything that might need you, remember the non-negotiables. When all you can do is be there and be all in.
Show us today how you capture a moment through your lens that removes everything but what matters the very most.
Reader Comments (21)
picture and text here:
seems just yesterday my daughter was coming home from that first day at high school. such a big day in her life and no way to call home for reassurance ( it is pretty intimidating in the big school). she's now in her last year of college and of course has the freedom to call home - she called me on her walk to her first class of her last year, talking the whole half a mile she has to walk and I was there to listen. i love cell phones - i can still be there when she needs me.
it's exactly why i paused to take time with my sister and a friend, and let them enjoy my son the way i try to, but don't often get to... and how it freed me up to capture it all on camera. a truly special time of soaking it all in... my son, his sweetness, my family and friends and how they get to enjoy him and interact with him. i had so much other "stuff" i could have been doing... "important" things. but this was time valuable time spent much more pricelessly...
Tiny toes:
My nephew's sweet smile.
My niece discovering something new:
New family: you will get more information.
And here, time needed to be stopped, as we all knew at that very moment, that our beloved dog Odi won't live much lunger, I died last friday, so it's been priceless to take that photo: