For the past two years I've been involved in One Day On Earth, gathering footage from all across the world to make one feature film. I've had some of my footage included, but that wasn't my main goal… the main goal was to be part of a community… and be motivated to go shoot something. As much as I recommend being part of this global project... Lately, I've been drawn to create my own community, just a little smaller & more imitate… so I've been gathering people who took part in my Creating Time Capsules Course and inviting them to use the skills they learnt in my course, to create some magic on 12.12.12…
Now I'd love to invite anyone else out there who'd like to jump on board…
For me, making a "Time Capsule" is taking photos or video, or both and packaging it up into a film that can looked back on years to come. I make films, like these... but you could get involved on 12.12.12 in any way... take a few images, blog about it, make a GIF or make a slideshow. Record some audio. You could video a segment of your day (unedited) and share it, you could shoot something on your phone or camera, edit it with your heart and put it out for others to see… or the big one…video and photograph your whole (or part of your) day and make a time capsule film. What do you think??? Shall we hang out on 12.12.12 and record our day in the life?
I'm inviting you to make your own Time Capsule. Make it your way. That's the beauty of it. We all have our own tale to tell... Through video, photos, writing. Whatever! Let's use this historic day of 12.12.12 to focus on being present. Really be present in the moment, recognising and acknowledging our everyday lives and deciding what we want to remember. The beauty is, you'll then have this day in your life to look back on... I did it last year on 11.11.11 and so much has changed in a year!
Who knows what you'll be doing next year... where you'll be... what's the same and what will be different. What's interesting is choosing what you'll shoot and then what you'll share... If you've been looking to do "a day in the life" project, this might be just the time to do!
If you'd like to join my 12.12.12 community - "we are all in this together"... come on over and find us on Facebook.
Mark your calendars - 12.12.12 - it's not long now...
Reader Comments (2)
I'll remember to come back here and give you some feedback :)