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on International Women's Day

Two years ago I visited Haiti for the first time, as a woman. Let me clarify, I have always been a girl, have all the parts and PMS to prove it but something happened to me when I made the decision to visit Haiti. The woman in me emerged.

I spent my toddler years in Haiti, yet when I decided to travel there in 2010, it had been more than 25 years since I had visited. It started with an ambitious list I drafted for myself to accomplish in one years time. My first order of business was to learn more about my culture, "become more Haitian", so to speak. This small task had a sub-goal, instructions if you will, which would make the task easier. Underneath I wrote "reconnect with family" mind you family living in Haiti to whom I had been estranged from since my late teens. I was convinced that it would be that simple: travel to Haiti + connect with estranged family = be more Haitian. As the universe usually does, it responded to my request in a big way. It shook the world, the earth cracked open and so did my heart. The earthquake came and my fate was sealed.

Sometime before I left, I spoke with my aunt who visits the island frequently. I admitted I was afraid of Haiti, of Haitians. I was afraid that I wouldn't know what to say, to do or even how to act. I had no idea what to bring or how I would be received. She, in her stern voice, reminded me that I was going to bring love and I was going to receive love, in this, there was nothing to fear. She was right.

I flew alone to Port-au-Prince. My aunts greeted me at the airport. We drove through the broken streets and I inhaled the scents of my country. Immediately, I was comfortable and in love with these women, my people, myself. I was eager to be out of the car so I could sit with these loves, and have my heart reflected back to me. Finally the moment came when we three could gather in the small seating area of the makeshift refuge and sat and shared. In that moment, my everything was everything. The women of Haiti welcomed me to see myself, to understand what it means to be Haitian and to be a woman of delicious brown color. They cooked for me, they shared stories, they laughed at me and with me. They inspired me. I have never been more clear about my core values. I knew right away that I was blessed. Over the weeks of my visit, I met many wonderful people. I spent time with family and made new friends. Always the women would hold my heart in all it's vulnerability and teach the girl in me how to be a woman. These aunts and mothers and sisters and daughters carry the hurt of Haiti and they bestow the joy of Haiti too.  I was and am so proud to be a woman and to have the honor to carry the words, the wealth and the wisdom of whole cultures and generations.

Today is International Women's Day! Let's celebrate ourselves in gratitude of the many women who inspire us to wonder, to try earnestly and to welcome possibilities. Share an image of yourself with women in your life that have taught you to honor yourself.

Images and words by the wonderful Myriam Loeschen.

Reader Comments (20)

WOOOOOT! MYRIAM!!!! what a most happy surprise/gift to click over and see your face and read your words. XO
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkristin
Happy International Women's Day. Thanks for sharing your story, Myriam!
so happy to read your words here, myriam. you hold such power. i'll carry it with me today.
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermeredith winn are such a beautiful writer. Love reading your thoughts, wisdom and the beauty you pour into this world. Happy international women's day to you! xo!
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commentersusan
Oh Myriam, how happy I am to see you here and how your words paint such a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing with us today. :)
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterchris
Myriam, you are such an inspiration. I'm glad you found a homecoming with those women in that place.
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCorinna

it must have been an unbelievable experience!
especially love your phrase, to be a woman of delicious brown color
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLIttle Macrina
This past January, Vancouver was host to CONCACAF which is the women's soccer qualifyer for the 2012 Olympics. I volunteered, as a dispatcher for a fleet of vehicles and drivers for the VIPs. The competition included Costa Rica, Canada, USA, Haiti, Mexico, Cuba and the Dominican Republic. CONCACAF granted each volunteer a series of tickets to attend the games in our downtime, so I was able to be there for most of the games and what I didn't see in person, I watched on TV.

Haiti tragically lost not only their coach, but most of their team in the earthquake. The team they sent to Vancouver was incredibly young. When I think of women's soccer, I was not thinking I'd see players as young as 16 take the field. The US team has players as old as 34.

Haiti arrived with a single uniform. Their goalie did not have gloves. Someone grabbed their goalie and took her to a local sports store to get her outfitted with gloves, which run about $300. They were donated by the store. Others stepped up and purchased a second set of uniforms for the entire team, so they would be able to wash the ones they weren't wearing between practices and games. Later, Canada and the US teams raised a sizeable amout of money to donate to Haiti's team, to help support their program.

Many of the ladies on Haiti's team are homeless-they lost everything in the quake. The fact that Haiti could put together a team and get them to the qualifyer is nothing short of inspirational. They played with heart and integrity, even though they were beaten by the opposing teams game after game. What mattered was the experience they were gaining on the field. Ultimately, they won their final game and I can tell you that the entire arena exploded with cheers and applause when they did. Their courage was immense and during that week in January, they were ours. They inspired us and showed us the power of sport to uplift and transcend even the most difficult of life circumstances. Those Haitian women were the definition of resiliance and I expect great things from them.
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLelainia Lloyd
Thank you Miriam for a wonderful post and photo - the love exudes from both your words and the photo. I'm so happy that your visit was one filled with love and growth. Also Lelainia, thank you for sharing that wonderful story on the Haitian Soccer team and the generosity from the other teams. These posts are uplifting and make me smile!
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterShelley
so much love in this photo....great post.
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKelly
This post gave me chills....the words along with your photo are amazing...
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJakki
once again.... moved by your beautiful words.... so perfectly said.....
so perfectly you.....


March 8, 2012 | Registered CommenterKim Klassen
Beautiful words. I am blessed for having read them.
March 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkelly
What a beautiful post, Miriam. Perfect for celebrating IWD. Thank you.

This is a picture of my mom, sister and I, basking in happiness as we traveled together through Europe:
March 9, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermary
hi myriam...such a wonderful and inspirational post. your writing style is divine!! hugs...Denise
March 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDenise
What a wonderful tribute to the beautiful and incredibly resilient women of Haiti. Your words, Myriam, exude your love and admiration for them.
My mother:
March 10, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterannie
Fun catch, I think I know these women, at least, by the feel of it, I FEEL I know them.

March 11, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYucel
I am quite late. Happy Women's day.

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