lavender love

Continuing on through the rainbow, we leave the blues and head into purples. Today the lighter shade of lavender. When I saw that my name happened to fall on this day and this color I was beyond thrilled. I knew just what my post would be. See my son, he is a quiet shy tender boy. He loves what he loves, and he loves those things with all his heart. He has carried around this lavender blanket since he was tiny. This is actually the second incarnation of the same blanket because he loved the first one to pieces, literally. When he was very small I would sneak into his room at night to watch him asleep in his crib. I would find him with his head completely wrapped in his blanket. I would carefully unravel him from it and place it on top of his sleeping smallness. Within 30 minutes he would have his head wrapped right back up in it. Eventually I figured out he could breathe and was not smothering himself and just let him sleep that way. When he grew up a little bit, you could always tell when we was tired because he would have his blanket in his hand and chew and chew and chew on the poor thing, twisting and chewing it. (hence the need for a new one) He took it EVERYWHERE. We did not leave the house without it. It just became a part of him. He and "purple" (the name of the blanket) just went together. He is not greedy about it either, if you are sick or tired, or hurting, or sad, he will go and gather "purple" wherever it may be and he will bring it to you. It gives him great comfort, so of course it will bring the same comfort to you. Makes perfect sense. He often says, "purple is magic" and I believe it is. When he left for kindergarten I was terribly heartsick. I missed his little face, those curls, not being able to touch or kiss or hug him for those hours felt like an eternity to me. What did I do? I got purple and I laid on that blanket and breathed in the scent of my little boy.
He is growing up. Lately the signs are more and more obvious that the baby in him is being replaced by sharp angles and lost teeth. Though with all of this proof, he is still that tender hearted little boy. He still sleeps with purple. He still carries purple to the couch and to the table. If he is sick he holds onto purple extra tight. Purple still brings comfort when he gets hurt. I have so many photos of my boy and his beloved blanket. I cherish those photos, I cherish that blanket. I am ever grateful that he finds comfort in that piece of fuzzy lavender fabric. It helps him feel safe and secure, how can anything that does that ever be anything but loved.
A few weeks ago he went to his very first sleep over, naturally I gathered up the blanket and packed it with his things. He told me he was afraid to be teased and wanted to leave it at home. I was shocked, and sad, and also worried that come bedtime he would regret his choice and really really wish he had it. I asked a few times before we left the house if he was absolutely sure he didn't want to take it along, just in case, he said he was sure. Off he went, and for the very first time ever, "purple" stayed behind. He made it the whole night, I wonder if he missed it at all, or perhaps that time has come and the letting go is beginning.That will be such a strange day. When that day comes, I will box it up and save it with the many special mementos of childhood (or maybe stuff it under my pillow for awhile).... But between you and me? I hope "purple" sticks around a little while longer. :)
Capture something lavender in your lens. Tag it #sscolormonth, add it here in the comments AND in our OWP pool on Flickr.
Reader Comments (20)
Lavender here ...
These hibiscus flowers in the front of my house are so pretty! I love seeing them on my way to work and when I get home. They're almost like my greeters!
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
oops, forgot to add the link to the picture!
Bear with me.... I'm new to all this posting stuff! Here's the hibiscus flowers!
Your story of your son's blanket was very sweet. Two of my children who are adults still have their blankets.
purple... as my boy will tell you, is my FAVORITE color. So much so that I keep it on my each day, in my hair :)
this post touches my heart- we have a special blanket too (it was mine as a baby and my boy has latched onto it, totally warms my heart beyond warm)
Here's my abstract lavender shot:
Love the contrasting colors here.
my girl loves purple: she took my cons, claimed them as her own & switch the laces to lavender. :)