
Jump in and for a second, you are wholly submerged. Underneath, the silence is opulent. Your body fights buoyancy and tiny bubbles quietly suggest you take up full time residency. You think you can stay under forever, you are weightless and everything is so quiet. If you're able to open your eyes, the scene plays out like a random dream sequence. Limbs seem disconnected from torsos and move through the water in clumsy, lovely ways. You think you can stay under for hours. For days, months, years even. You always think this but you know that you can't. Eventually, you've got to come up for air.
Today, share your images of water with us. Leave us a link in the comments below, add your images to the OWP flickr pool or tag your images #sselevate on instagram.
Reader Comments (7)
Love your image Andrea!
My littlest boy playing in a pail of water last night ...