
When I saw that my word for today was 'Laundry', I thought, great, what am I going to do with the word 'laundry'? Well, I guess the 'Laundry Gods' took care of that for me because it just so happens that as of Saturday, my dryer decided to stop working. Obviously the Laundry Gods also thought a visit to a Laundromat is what was needed for me in order to help with today's word. I guess they were right. So thank you, Laundry Gods. Now could you please produce a new dryer for me? I would be forever grateful!
Today, share your laundry with us in any shape, place or form, and be sure to add your photos to the OWP Flickr pool or tag your images #sselevate on Instagram.
Reader Comments (10)
I use it every day to rinse my little dog's feet when i bring him in from outside.
This is an old photograph that I took last year in San Francisco. It is one of my favorites though and I simply had to share :)
Laundry on the clothes line. I didn't realize I wore so much blue!
i love doing laundry and love hanging it on the line ...
the south winds were so hot today that our sheets were dry in a wink
which turned out to be a very good thing as our neighbour was combining his canola
and i managed to hang out the sheets and get them dried before he made it round the field
and filled the air with chaff!
i wasn't able to photograph them as i was wanting to, so opted for a photo of the basket on the bed ... : )