
Before it's too late... I want to pack up the car and drive. I want to set up our bright red tent. I want to gather kindling. I want to watch the fire crackle and dance. I want to roast my marshmallows on a stick til they are good and dark, then peel off that crispy burnt skin with my fingers and eat it. I want to look up at the night sky and feel tiny in this big world. I want to smell like woodsmoke and bacon. I want to hear them breathing as they sleep next to me. I want to hear the mournful cry of a loon. I want to seek tiny mushrooms in the damp woods. I want my nose to be red and chilly in the early morning air. I want to layer up, cuddle up, soak it up. I want to breath a little deeper, see a little more clearer, unplug, unwind, and recharge. This weekend, I want to go camping... one last time this year.
What do you want to do this weekend? And next weekend? And the weekend after that?
We are putting out the call once more with An invitation to your weekends.
If you would like to submit your weekend images for consideration in our weekend series, please send your shot(s) via email to us at click [at] shuttersisters [dot] com with the subject weekend. We can't wait to see how you choose to spend your Saturdays and Sundays by featuring you here!
Reader Comments (8)
Here, it is apple-picking time.
A combination of uncombineables :)