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Entries in sisterhood (10)


magical moments


There is nothing better than sisters. When we get together there is always love, laughter and if we're lucky sometimes even a little pixie dust. Spending time recently at Walt Disney World for the first time during Disney Social Media Moms Celebration was a dream come true. Upon arrival to the Magic Kingdom, our inner child(ren) was awakened and we were instantly transported back to being young girls. Giggly, happy, enchanted little sisters embarking on a magical journey together just like we did growing up at Disneyland. When childhood wishes are granted, with the help of a fairy godmother you can't help but to believe. Believe in the magic of family. Believe in the magic of Disney. Believe in the magic of the moment.


Words and photo essay courtesy of Jessica Fuselier and Becky Silke, 2 of the three sisters of Disney Sisters. Sisters, as in real live sisters, by birth. The third sister? That would be me. I had to miss the sister trip to Walt Disney World but reading this story and seeing these pictures really made me wish I hadn't! Sniff sniff. There's just something about Disney Magic...and sisters...swoon.

I can't tell you how excited I was to have my sisters share their images here like this as our first official photo essay. Yes, we're kicking off a new feature here at Shutter Sisters. Photo essays. So fun! If you've got a collection of 6 images you'd like to see featured here as a photo essay, give us a shout. We love hearing from you and sharing your work.

As for today, let's see your magical moments, Disney and beyond. You know, those moments that make you feel like a kid again. Don’t you just love those?

P.S. Tag your images #ssmoment.



Happy March 1st!

I personally love the month of March for two reasons. The first is that I celebrate my birthday in March and the second is that spring will arrive this month. These are both great reasons to get together with friends to celebrate! Which brings me to the announcement of our new One Word for the month of March, which is gather.

During the shorter, colder days of winter it often seems easier to snuggle into our routine and spend more time at home. And while moments spent alone or with immediate family is always important, it's also lovely to connect with old friends and meet new people along the way. So as spring approaches, we encourage you to make an effort this month to have some face-time with the friends who just "get you". Or gather up a group of photography lovers like yourself and enjoy being the in the company of like-minded people. 

We all have to admit, as much as we love to gather here online (and we really really love it!) nothing beats gathering in real life. And since we're on the subject, it seems like a great time to announce our 2012 Shutter Sisters Oasis gathering. All the details, like when registration will open, will be shared in the near future, but for now just the thought of gathering again with our fellow shutter sisters is enough. Start packing your bags!

And as you gather, take the time to document some of those sacred moments and share your images with us all month long in our One Word Project Pool on Flickr (tag your One Word photos this month with the following: owp, gather, march). Your photo may be featured here!


photography spoken here

Before I was brave I was camera shy.

But we speak photography here. This community, in all the ways it has grown since its birth in 2007, has been a life force for so many women photographers that I know. It is so much more than a platform, a foundation, a place of strength. Yes, it's a community of like minds. Yes, a gathering place for those of us who not only embrace the technicalities of our equipment but also the emotions our images evoke.

We carry balance here. This is the sisterhood we feel. Day in and day out we feel welcome here, invited to the creative circle. That confidence grows tenfold as we all walk away with inspiration to shoot another day.

We speak photography here. 
We are peers.

In this profession/passion/career/hobby where mostly men have made the rules, we as women photographers changed the game. Years ago I found it hard to walk into my local camera shop and be taken seriously (especially if I had my child with me). That statement is simply ridiculous and yet it's completely true. Did anyone else feel that? (2007 was only 5 years ago, sisters! Women have turned the photography world upside down, all for the better!) Now I walk with confidence knowing I am part of this revolution, the photographic revolution of sisters. Can you feel it too? We do our part each and every day we shoot photos and share images and leave comments all the while going about our busy days.

We know your lives are busy.  We know there are lots of places to visit and such little time to chat. So, today, I simply wanted to thank you. For being part of this creative circle. We may lurk, we may not have time to comment, we may be juggling jobs and kids and passions... but we feel your presence as you feel ours. This is sisterhood. This is friendship over the miles. Please know that if I could gather all of you up into one familiar city, I would. And we would shoot the breeze and share tips and recommendations for print shops. And there would be wine and ice cream and photowalks and laughter. And it would be awesome.

Today can we carry on this conversation? I'm new to town and I would love to know your favorite shops or where you find inspiration online. What's the latest in your photographic world? What's the latest in your camera bag? Today I want to hear what you want to talk about... what do you want to hear? Any exciting projects you'd like to share? Let's make today an open forum for discussion. And of course, share any images or links that you are loving these days.



"This is what a Utah winter looks like," she told me as she drove me from Salt Lake City up to Park City, Utah. I marveled from the passenger side as huge snowflakes poured out of the vast bucket sky.

Click, click, click.

Through the windshield I snapped image after image of the landscape that surrounded us. Amazed by what I saw. It had rained all day until all of the sudden, it turned to snow. And minutes later, a total transformation from all gray to winter white. I don't recall ever seeing anything quite like it. We could have been on the moon for all I knew.

It was a long and harrowing drive for most of the people on the road that afternoon but not for her. And even if it was, she wouldn't let on. Apologizing all over myself for the amount of time I was stealing from her day and for the traffic and for the weather, she urged, "This is the magic, Tracey. I wasn't going to let you miss the magic."

And I didn't. Those 24 hours were filled with picturesque views, real winter weather, my camera, big boots, bright lights, warmth, inspiration, and friendship. In a word; magic.

Share with us today your wonderland. When you gaze outside your window, what magic awaits you? Let's see the landscape that surrounds you today.


grand finale

Can it be? Is today really the very last day of 2011? It hardly seems possible, but of course it is. What a year it has been. We have grown and accomplished so much this year here. We welcomed new contributors. We saw the fruition of our very first Camp Shutter Sisters. (so exciting) Through it all you have been right here with us. You were present, open & brave. You paid witness and honored. You contributed, encouraged, connected, and grew. You constantly inspired us with your words, images and love. We thank you.

Each month you helped us celebrate a new One Word. January was 'your word'. February, 'words'. March, 'numbers symbols & letters'. April, 'inspiration'. May we went 'mobile'. June, we sought beauty in the 'details'. July was full of 'life'. August you took us on an'adventure'. September we shared many a 'story'. October was all about 'you'. November we were 'thankful'. And all of December we 'savored'. For all your enthusiasm and participation, again we thank you.

If you began a 365 project on Jan 1 2011, today is the culmination of 365 days of clicks. Congratulations! YOU DID IT! Even when you wanted to stop (you did right?), or forgot (and then quickly forgave yourself), you kept on and here you are 365 days later, mission accomplished. Job well done. Thank you for sharing your year in photos with us.

Today is a celebration of all these things. We have shared so much together this year. 2012 holds many new wonderful opportunities and surprises here at Shutter Sisters, the new year is going to rock ladies! But before we begin those new year's resolutions, and intentions, let's honor all we have seen and done with our cameras this year.  Let's send off this last day in style. Pick any image from 2011 you love and share it here. If today is your 365 finale, DO share that with us. Happy last day of 2011 sisterhood, we are so very grateful for you. XO!

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