It Takes Time
Nobody sees a flower, really, it is so small. We haven't time - and to see takes time like to have a friend takes time. ---Georgia O'Keeffe
We're in the throes of planning for our Dream Assignment, and everyday in between phone calls and meetings and researching leads to stories of hope around the world, all I can think of is this quote and the tiny field full of buttercups staring back at me from the other side of the driveway out my backdoor.
It takes time, a still quiet voice tells me from the deepest place inside.
Time?? my monkey mind chatters. I want to hop on a plane now!
But my beginner's mind knows better. For every prize winning rose bush and sensational lead, there is a meadow of buttercups and a hopeful story waiting to be unearthed. A story as simple and as certain as a buttercup in May. A deep and honest story that can only be seen when I make time to really pay attention to what's happening around me. When I'm willing to stop. When I'm willing to listen.
Breathe, my better self advises. Everyday things are coming together, little by little--exactly as they should.
And so I walk to the grassy knoll on the other side of the driveway, and gather up my yellow treasures in a little bouquet, each one reminding me that hope endures, that it can be seen in the smallest ways, in the tiniest places, if I have the courage to let the stories come to me, one simple yellow flower at a time.
What are you waiting for today? Show us what you're taking the time to see right now as you look through that hope-full lens.
Reader Comments (43)
today i'm waiting for sunbreaks for moments like these:
few places on earth parallel the pacific nw for appreciation of 5 minutes sunshine between clouds...
Yesterday, I saw new light, thanks to the absence of a shed/garage that has neighboured our yard ever since we moved here. What a de-light!
Just thought you might want to see..
And here's one from my first 24hrs with my new DSLR, that I kept hoping for, yay!!
I love this passage...
we all need reassurance from time to time...
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars
you have a right to be here
and whether or not it is clear to you
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should..
Godspeed, shelley
However, due to illness, I became disabled. Now it makes me sweat with exhaustion to take about 20 pictures! Although that doesn't sound good, this "disability" helped me re-discover photography and painting. These two activities has helped me to notice the little things. I find joy in the smallest improvements in my health and I may be able to make ART my new career.
I always wanted to go into art, but I was too afraid! I didn't believe in myself, but now through Flickr and blogging, I'm getting the encouragement I need to take the plunge into the arts.
So I present you, my most awarded photo thus far!
Thank you to everyone who has viewed my photographs from this site! I appreciate it!
(hope the link works)