Blissed Out

Follow your bliss. I had a huge epiphany in my life approximately one year ago. I had spent my life doing things I thought I should or simply could. I rarely took risks or stepped outside my perfectly contained box. I felt stifled and stuck, and I didn’t know why. Right around this time I saw the quote that begins this paragraph. It resonated with me in the largest of ways. I made a choice to change things up a bit- a lot, actually. I started making choices simply by focusing on what makes me happy, blissful. Everything magically changed.
I started bliss in March and through my blog I have been introduced to so many amazing women. I became overwhelmed by all the inspiration around me. I started taking photos in a different way—I took pictures of things that made me giddy. Following my bliss created a blissed out version of my former self. Slowly I started to share my photos with my readers—my new blissful photos. A funny thing happened. People seemed to love what I was throwing at them. This became true in my daily life too. My new existence had changed every aspect of my life in the best of ways. Happiness suited me.
This is why the photos I now take mean so much to me. They are totally and completely me. The me that comes easy, the me that is happy, the me that isn’t trying too hard; just sparkly me.
Shortly after, I joined the Shutter Sisters pool on flickr and met yet another group of crazy-talented women. During this time the sweet Kristin mentioned something about the blues in my photographs. I was a bit confused. I looked back at my photostream, and WHAMMO! There it was, that sweet shade of blue that defined bliss for me. It was everywhere.
The thing that is perfect about happiness or bliss is that it is completely different for everyone. It also comes across completely different through the lens of a camera. Where do you find your bliss? Where is it in your photographs? I have my blues. Take the time to explore this and see where your photographs take you; if you’re lucky, your life will follow.
Photos and words courtesy of the lovely and talented Traci French (Mrs. French if you please) who can be found sharing her bliss on her blog of the same name, posting her ‘blues’ at Flickr and sharing and selling her gorgeous imagery at etsy.
And Traci’s not the only one with bliss on her mind, I will be posting my reflections on the topic at bliss midday today. It’d be heaven if you’d stop over and say hello.
Reader Comments (46)
I was working since I was 15 and doing all these jobs just to feed myself with something more thatn bread and butter, give myself education, I was spending all money I earned to pay for that, but you know what, now I cannot see any sense in it. oucld have done so much more I wouldn`t pass all these exams and just follow my heart: I could dance, I could be better in photography, that I only discovered at the age of 25, even that I dreamt about it for long years...
And now I stand in that place, where I have no job (my contract has ended recently) and think what to do next. I so do not want to get back to the routine of working in the subjects that I can (because that is what life ioffers) and I hate and not doing what I like...
But you know what.... Posts like your keep me running...
I do not if it was clear enough, but...
Best regards
bliss a wonderful word really.
even on the fridge!
So I have to say I find lots of my bliss here on Shutter Sisters. The fabulous women here give me bliss. I look forward daily to visiting here and finding the challenge for the day. Thank you SS!
Here is a bit of bliss from me on this Thursday. Have a blissful day!
See Molly and Pilgrims idea of bliss today at
and this one...
Her words are so true, and so encouraging. I feel the same way.
And I recently discovered that around thirties, all women experience, sooner or later, a change, or the need of a change. No matter how their lives are going, what are they doing, if they are single, married, or have children, we all feel the need to review things, and to approach a little more to our personal being, the one that really lies inside of us. And to rediscover ourselves.
I will write about this later on my blog.
Thanks for sharing this.
I love this idea, and how it seems to be holding hands with the finding, discovering and making of bliss.
Thank you for sharing, Traci, and everyone who commented, too!
I love all of her work ( so much I purchased the print pictured in the first photo here!) ..... it truly is blissful:)
In photography, I'm really just starting to find my own BLISS . . . and I believe it lies in my everyday snapshots. Nothing spectacular, mind you, but bliss all the same.
Thanks so much for sharing your BLISS with us all!
I'm so thrilled that all of these exciting projects are finding their way to you. xoxo ~Suzanne
When we meet this person in ourselves, it's freedom. It's like finding your best friend. =)
I'm not sure what my "blues" are... hmmmm... I think it's a garden. My bliss is definitely a garden.
those blues make me weak at the knees. xoxo.
There's a quality to that blue in your photos that I have seen in the paintings of Maxfield Parrish. Whenever I see it, I think of him. I see it a lot in the sky, something about the light. It is lovely and somehow more than just another blue.
Thanks for your post. :D