The Details of Friendship

I was lucky enough to share some of my weekend with a handful of dear friends. This much needed girl time was like food for my soul; a time to slow down, to catch up, to unwind, to take in, to savor, to be present, to give and to receive. I rarely take my camera to these kinds of gatherings because I can get preoccupied with the photo part and I have learned to allow myself (and enjoy) being camera free. But lately, looking at endless photos of friends basking one another’s company, I have longed for my own visual treasures of my soul sister experiences. Needless to say, I took my camera this time around in anticipation of capturing the day in a way to help me relish and relive our time together.
I used the self-timer for a handful of gems (the kind of shots to go straight into a frame) and quickly clicked a couple more of things that caught my eye—pods I gathered from the patio, Lucy the dog and a few charming vignettes of my friend’s home. We were outside for while and although the light was harsh and somewhat uninspiring, I shot the photo above, just a quick click, with little thought in the midst of light and easy conversation.
When I got home and got the images up on the computer, I was delighted to discover this shot and how it made me feel. How can a just simple little detail of a friend stir up such rich feelings of gratitude? Is it her signature well-worn clogs and the playful way her toes point slightly inward? Or perhaps it’s the many layers of slightly ruffled fabric, skirt on skirt, and the textured hint of her brimming basket? Or maybe it’s her bare skin, being nourished and warmed by the vibrant sun of the perfect morning. It must be a little of all of these things and how they weave a story together, strand by beautiful strand, of our day, our friendship and how blessed I am to have women like this in my life.
Do you have a photo to share with us that stirs your soul, reminding you that life is good? You know we'd love to see it.
Reader Comments (21)
But if we are speaking of friends, I have one who is truer that any other. I love her more than I could ever express.
I get weepy just thinking about how I NEED her in my life.
One photo that always warms my heart is this one of Cadence looking dreamy-eyed with a cold glass of limeade on a warm fall afternoon:
and on flickr:
I love the photo and the story - thank you!
But I find so many photos of my son that makes me think life is good. But, today, I chose something else. The other morning, after some terrible thunder storms, I looked out our window at the wet world. I saw the sunrise shining through the trees and making all the wet droplets on the trees shine with light. It was breathtaking. I grabbed my camera and ran outside, hoping that somehow, I could capture the moment:
We were on holiday.
i was in a bad mood.
it was cold.
i had a headache.
the kids were yelling.
I just wanted them to go to sleep but Jerome made us walk and walk and walk.
suddenly we turned a corner and saw this in front of us.
then the sun came out.
we found a lovely country pub and had a huge meal in front of a log fire.
the kids slept on the hour walk back.
all was good.
I caught a photo of my youngest son in an introspective moment. Very rare and very special. It makes me smile whenever I see it:
And here are two of my favorite "soul sister" photos:
These are boots left as a memorial...they are "sad boots"
This one:
It's my daughter and my niece after we just happened past this fountain. It's not the best photo I took that day, and it was AFTER I had told them not to get wet... but the joy on their faces makes me so glad, each time I see it, that they didn't listen to me.
This is one of my oldest and dearest friends picking raspberries with my son. I love this picture because it reminds me of the lovely gift she gave us-2 tickets to our hometown for a week of relaxation at her parent's house. Because she missed us. That's not just a friend-that's family in my book (she says wiping her misty eyes).
you helped light the fire under me to get this whole girls weekend posted :)
there is a whole set, but the single image that instantly popped to mind when reading your prompt was this one: