
This is a shot taken from my first senior portrait shoot of the season. It started out the same way they all do. With me wondering if my clients think my minivan makes me uncreative. And with my clients wondering if I'm going to make them sit on a bail of hay and say "NUT BALLS". Kellye made it clear in an email to me beforehand when she said "I just don't want to look uber-cheesy". It was her way of saying "make me look good". After fifteen years of shooting, I can't tell you how many times I've heard that. And it's understandable. In all honesty, it's also easy part. Looking good is just about light, and posing and angles. It's about stuff that can be packaged up into a nice formula.
What can't be packaged up, is what my clients are really saying, which is: "Make me look good, and make me look like myself". This is the challenge. Because it's hard to find the real parts of a person when you don't know them. If you're looking for something real, you must be willing to be vulnerable too. Even then, the real parts of a person might still remain illusive. And that's okay. I've gone through many successful photo shoots, positioning people in pretty light, making them "look good". And it's enough. As an observer/photographer/human being, it's a rush when authenticity happens. But as it is in every day living, you never know when it will.
And that's how this shoot went. We started off posing. The light was as beautiful as she was (is). And it was fine. Then she got out her gi and her sword. And the girl who'd been politely smiling and posing, turned into a Force of Nature. Something in her eyes showed up, that was all her own. A Black Belt in Karate, she turned a sword fight into a dance. And I was completely mesmerized by her transformation. I realized that this was her Art. This was what made her feel most like her Self, and I felt privileged to capture it. It also made me think about how we all have that Thing that makes us feel like our Selves. Whether it's baking a cake, or writing stories, organizing drawers, or delivering babies...there is something that makes us feel at home. It's the part of you that that has always been there. The part that you don't question. What is that part for you?
Reader Comments (26)
This is an issue that I have been wondering a lot lately - what things I like doing the most, and when do I feel like myself without being trapped by any boundaries. So far, definite answers for me would be singing, writing, running, baking, reading - as well as cleaning my kitchen :-). The reason why I'm so emotional when it comes to this issue is that I feel like I haven't yet found a way to really use my potential fully in any of the activities mentioned above. I've had moments of great inspiration, joy and self-accomplishment, but they have been glimpses of something far greater that lies within. My next personal goal is to find a way to feel at home on a constant basis. That might do the trick for me as well.
Love your web site...
I haven't tried it but I'm thinking about getting one. I just love how they're so attractive to look at. authentic me is just that creative part. Be it photography, designing/making clothes, drawing...I just enjoying "creating" something unique and beautiful.
Love this blog! Love the photos! Love this post, I would also love to see pictures of her and her sword, sounds so cool!
Keep it up!
Being a long time martial arts student who owns a sword, you captured the emotion of it in words very well. I would love to see more of those pictures, though I know it would likely leave me coveting some of my own.
It's hard for me to be authentic. I think I've spent most of my life hiding who I am. But the real me, comes across in my writing and, I'd like to think, sometimes in my photos.
I'm going to have to blog about this myself now!
We are each packaged individually...we should grab that individuality with a passion and flaunt it. When we do...good things happen in the world.
love this post.
Your post has inspired me to think about the ways my self is expressed through my actions and my life. I believe my true self comes through as I teach my students in my classroom (I teach students with autism). I am at my best, my most essential self, when I am working with these wonderful kids. I wish I had a talented photographer there to capture those moments... they would be beautiful to see.
I love your site! I visit often... always such wonder to be found here!